can anybody help me with very old post cards please.

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Oct 4, 2010
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Mourne mountains
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i have come across an album full of very old post cards,well over one hundred ad say, some of them have been written on and posted and some are blank,any that have a stamp on are no later than 1909 and most are 1905 1906,they are of all different images from towns and cities around the world to people,war boats and everything really.
if anyone has any info on what i should do with them ad be very grateful.
Individually sell for shillings... but a collection... highly marketable!

If you are feeling generous a museum would probably cherish them
We have a lot of old postcards, several hundreds. Most are written on, and form the story of a courtship so are 'valuable' to us, these people's descendants.

We took them to a dealer, who went through and said which cards they were interested in. It wasn't many, and they didn't want those of low, or no, commercial value. We also took them to an auctioneer to see what they thought, and they said the value would be in the few 'rare' or 'popular' cards.

That's all you can do really, take them to a specialist and see what they say. You might also find the album itself has a value, because some people like to use old albums for modern pictures.

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