He got his idea about "maritime weather".
it is really difficult to understand why Britain is so different that of Finland.
I have in my bee yard 70 cm snow now and in Britain you have +10C warm. It is so impossible to believe.
It's a technical term Finman - when I did my Met studies for my skipper's ticket it was explained to me why the USA could accurately forecast the weather weeks in advance and we struggled with 24 hours.
Large countries and those that are part of a continent enjoy
climate(the general weather conditions prevailing in an area over a long period.) due to the fact the weather fronts roll sedately over great land masses that don't change much from one millenium to the next when winter starts with you nothing changes for months, same as summer.
Whilst islands like Great Britain have
weather (the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards temperature, wind, rain, etc.) most weather front come in over the Atlantic, seas change from one day to the next influencing the anti cyclones therefore making it difficult to forecast accurately
but, also these great weather systems from the West counteract the Colder, siberian systems coming from the North and East and the hotter Saharan systems coming from the South this in general it means we don't often have extremes of weather - it may be damp but not soaking, it may be cold but not mind numbingly freezing, it may get hot but not Saharan.So our weather changes from day to day winter starts then stops then starts again ad infinitum
Britain is an island -the definition of island is a piece of land surrounded by water - surrounded by sea water in our case, therefore we have maritime weather.
Too many coco pops this morning I think!!