Breeding Groups

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Queen Bee
BeeKeeping Supporter
Jan 13, 2015
Reaction score
Bedfordshire, England
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Quite a few
Do any Bee Keeping associations have their own breeding groups?
i.e. is anyone out there actually trying to control/improve their local bee? I am specifically interested in local efforts and not BIBBA/etc
East Dorset BKA are starting from scratch this year.
East Dorset BKA are starting from scratch this year.

Could you tell me how this works? I mean, how it was initiated, who co-ordinates and funds it? Does it work as an integral part of the association, or, is it a matter of a few interested individuals going their own way and doing their own thing?

I have proposed the formation of a breeding group within my local association and I am hoping for a mandate from the members at our agm on 24th February.
Ours is in talks with members but I don't believe there's much of a local bee left here, more of a mix mash bee!
I ask last year for any members interested in forming a local group but for Buckfast breeding but this has been pushed to the side for the new idea of local bee.
I don't mind though, I have enough room where my main apiary is with 5 more ready with in 2 miles to play with my Bucky :)
There are eight bee breeding groups in Cornwall + three in Devon + two in Somerset
All are associated with BIBBA/ BIPCo/ CBBIG... so you would not be interested.

Yeges da
Could you tell me how this works? I mean, how it was initiated, who co-ordinates and funds it? Does it work as an integral part of the association, or, is it a matter of a few interested individuals going their own way and doing their own thing?

I have proposed the formation of a breeding group within my local association and I am hoping for a mandate from the members at our agm on 24th February.

I spoke of a queen rearing interest at a meeting, and a few others stated they too were interested. Indeed, it turned out that the chairman had hoped to be able for the association to start its own queen rearing program. It was agreed that the association apiary manager run the program at our training apiary as a trial.

The intention is, that following success (hopefully) we would, as an association, be able to offer members (and possibly others) queens for sale, and by doing so, raise funds for the association.

It was mentioned at a meeting last week that the association had ordered equipment to get this started.

I am running my own queen rearing program, and have offered any help I may be able to give.
SNHBS do ... details under 'Projects'. There's also one on Ardnamurchan.

Undoubtedly others, but I know the people involved in these.

I suppose you could argue that SNHBS is a 'national' group, but I know some of the projects pre-dated the establishment of SNHBS last year.
I am running my own queen rearing program, and have offered any help I may be able to give.

Yes. We have that already. I'm looking to take it from "queen rearing" to "bee breeding" using the techniques I have learned elsewhere. I am NOT interested in forming another BIBBA satellite.
We have people who are dedicated to pure races and those to are not dedicated to any race in particular. I am hoping that all these groups can be accommodated. I confess: my experience on this forum does not fill me with much hope.
Yes. We have that already. I'm looking to take it from "queen rearing" to "bee breeding" using the techniques I have learned elsewhere. I am NOT interested in forming another BIBBA satellite.
We have people who are dedicated to pure races and those to are not dedicated to any race in particular. I am hoping that all these groups can be accommodated. I confess: my experience on this forum does not fill me with much hope.

Long term plans for the association include the possibility of II, some (funded) II courses, and the purchase of the necessary equipment. This would be for queen breeding, rather than queen rearing. It all depends upon the success of the trial, and I suspect, will be a few years down the road.
Correct. I specifically excluded BIBBA because it is a national group

Bee Improvement groups are being set up Nationally.. each is by definition a local group.... inspired by Roger Pattersons Bee Improvement For All days... search BIBBA "events" for details......

No need to import... we have every thing here!!

Yeghes da
I am getting really fed up with you spoiling every thread. You just don't seem to know when to stop. I specifically said, I wasn't interested in your BIBBA crap!

So we have an organisation that actively helps set up and run bee breeding groups all over the country aiming at bee improvement (albeit in a slightly amateurish way) and because of your own prejudice you want to exclude any mention of them from a thread on a national forum, (admittedly on a thread started by you, but the point of a forum is to give a forum for different points of view and debate), I think there might be an elephant in the room.
Nothing spoils threads quite like belligerent know it all attitudes imho ;)
Nothing spoils threads quite like belligerent know it all attitudes imho ;)

I know all about that cult. I specifically said I was not interested in it at the start of the thread. It's people like you and Icanhopit (or whatever id he's using these days) who trample all over other peoples threads so that the original question gets lost in all your noise. You are spoiling the whole forum
So we have an organisation that actively helps set up and run bee breeding groups all over the country aiming at bee improvement (albeit in a slightly amateurish way) and because of your own prejudice you want to exclude any mention of them from a thread on a national forum, (admittedly on a thread started by you, but the point of a forum is to give a forum for different points of view and debate), I think there might be an elephant in the room.
Nothing spoils threads quite like belligerent know it all attitudes imho ;)

Thank you MBC
I am fed up too with the unreasonable attitude of some so called beekeepers spoiling for a fight for little more reason than to amplify their already over inflated egos!
Yeghes da
Thank you MBC
I am fed up too with the unreasonable attitude of some so called beekeepers spoiling for a fight for little more reason than to amplify their already over inflated egos!
Yeghes da

Everyone can see who the aggressors are here. This is typical of BIBBA and it's becoming difficult for real beekeepers with a mind of their own to get a word in on this forum.
Everyone can see who the aggressors are here. This is typical of BIBBA and it's becoming difficult for real beekeepers with a mind of their own to get a word in on this forum.

Indeed, one faction is encouraging discourse and free speech and inclusivity whereas another wants it their way or the highway.
Grow up, we're all here because we like bees.
encouraging discourse and free speech and inclusivity

I've seen BIBBA from the inside. Like any cult, it only appears to be those things so long as you agree with what they're saying. Things get ugly when you show you have a brain of your own (as you and Icanhopit/cheers have shown)
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I've seen BIBBA from the inside. Like any cult, it only appears to be those things so long as you agree with what they're saying. Things get ugly when you show you have a brain of your own (as you and Icanhopit/cheers have shown)

Trust Admin will lock this thread as it is not going anywhere.

Personal attacks usually end up with someone getting their privileges taken away.
Trust Admin will lock this thread as it is not going anywhere.

Personal attacks usually end up with someone getting their privileges taken away.

It was until you/mbc did your usual double act and spoilt it. So much for "free speech"!
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