I started this year & did a fortnightly hands-on course from the Spring. It was great just to get used to get used to being around thousands of bees and handing the hives. After just a couple of visits I'd decided it was definitely something I wanted to do and had my first colony within a few weeks. I got my bees from them, so I know they're from a reliable source and are good tempered and disease-free.
Since getting my hive it's been a huge help carrying on with the hands-on training and I've seen things and done things that couldn't be substituted by reading books and would likely have taken years for me to experience myself (hiving swarms, making nucs, breeding queens, laying workers etc etc). Luckily, it isn't just a set 'course' and they continue to run training sessions for anyone who wants to go so I'll be doing more again next year. Highly recommended.