If only. But given that you appear to be a polite pedant

Anything of the order of 200,000 to 400,000 people per annum seek primary care attention and receive topical anaesthetics, pain killers, antihistamines, topical steroids, antibiotics.
Anything of the order of 5000 people are treated in A&E departments for serious acute complications one of the most common being swelling inside the throat threatening airways from swallowed or inhaled wasps and the other being cellulitis.
Of the order of 2000 admissions for more serious complications including amputations, surgical treatment of compartment syndrome, organ failure etc.
Then there's Kounis syndrome which us the unknown elephant in the room but could be accounting for 1000 ish silent miss diagnosed fatalities per annum and 1000 ish admissions into CCUs for STEMIs and severe angina attacks.
Any further questions really ought to go in another thread.