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Harry Iggulden

New Bee
May 14, 2020
Reaction score
139 Vauxhall’s walk London
Hive Type
Hello, i have started three national hives. From what i have read, it is time to take out the hive top feeder. My question is how? If i remove it it will leave a large space behind accessible from the top super and surely the bees will just fill it with unwanted burr comb. If i leave it in, but stop adding sugar syrup, it will go mouldy, surely not healthy. Any advice would be appreciated. H
Yes you need to clarify and why feed with supers on, are these nucs you’ve purchased this year.
We need more info, it sounds as though you have supers on above the feeder! That shouldn't happen. Buy an easy read book like ' bees at the bottom of the garden' it will reap benefits.
Sorry for the bad explanation. The top feeder sits above the honey super with a hole for access in the middle of it. How do i remove it? Or if i do not how do i clean it, as it is going mouldy. H
Sorry for the bad explanation. The top feeder sits above the honey super with a hole for access in the middle of it. How do i remove it? Or if i do not how do i clean it, as it is going mouldy. H

Harry, you should not feed a colony after you've added supers because your honey will have sugar in it (or was the feeder empty?). It sounds to me that your feeder is above the crown board inside an eke - probably another super. In that case, remove the feeder, close the hole in the crown board with another piece of plywood or Perspex, remove the eke (super), put the roof back on, and that's that.
Sorry for the bad explanation. The top feeder sits above the honey super with a hole for access in the middle of it. How do i remove it? Or if i do not how do i clean it, as it is going mouldy. H

So you have a feeder sitting over a crownboard with a hole in it?
Then take the feeder off and block the hole in the crownboard off with a piece of thin plastic.
Have you looked in the hive to see what the brood situation is, how the queen is laying?

What’s the set up? One brood box and one super?
Is there a queen excluder?
Why are you feeding with a super on?
So many questions. We can’t help you otherwise
Heavens! It’s like drawing teeth!
I'm sure he's trying. A little patience and I'm sure we'll get there. :)

Harry - can you take any photos of how it's set up?
Just some snaps of what the hive looks like and where the feeder is. That should help.
I will presume it is a round rapidfeeder. Just take it off and bang the bees out. Remove the wood surround, empty super or die, and block the whole.
It sounds as though you are a little scared of hurting the bees. Don't be, they are tough! Have a read of my blog on this site which is aimed at beginners if that helps.
E is time to take out the hive top feeder. My question is how? If i remove it it will leave a large space behind accessible from the top super ...

Sorry for the bad explanation. The top feeder sits above the honey super ...

...What’s the set up? One brood box and one super?
Is there a queen excluder?
Why are you feeding with a super on?
So many questions. We can’t help you otherwise
Heavens! It’s like drawing teeth!

Dani, I thought Harry was clear enough from the start: there will be a gap where the feeder was, above the honey super - so, the feeder is inside an eke. The rest of his set-up is not part of the question (but may help him in other ways in case he's made a mistake there as well).
I rather think he may have a rapid feeder sat straight on top of the frames ...rather than above a feeder hole in the crown board ?
Dani, I thought Harry was clear enough from the start: there will be a gap where the feeder was, above the honey super - so, the feeder is inside an eke. The rest of his set-up is not part of the question (but may help him in other ways in case he's made a mistake there as well).

I’m sorry but to me it wasn’t clear which is why I asked. I couldn’t understand the “large space behind”
I thought I’d try to kill a few other birds with one stone with the supplementary questions.
I rather think he may have a rapid feeder sat straight on top of the frames ...rather than above a feeder hole in the crown board ?

Could be. In which case, Harry, put a crown board on top of the super; close the feeder hole (as said earlier); and top with the roof.
The different interpretations are interesting. I read it as there would be a large space remaining after removing the feeder, paraphrased "... it will leave behind a large space ...", rather than a large space at the rear of something.

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