
Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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New Bee
Jul 16, 2013
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Hi, I've been a member of the local Association for a year or so and attended a course over the winter, but now I have a colony, or at any rate a nuc which I hope is rapidly building up to become a well established colony.

Having now had a few weeks of keeping an eye on them I am beginning to realise how little I know so I am sure I will be back with numerous ignorant questions.

regards, Justin
:welcome: To the forum.

There are no ignorant questions!

I would suggest a search before asking. Top left of home screen.

Then you can say been there done that BUT.

They may have been asked before, and someone will no doubt point that out but, but just ask and IGNORE the answers that are not near to the answer to your question.

We've ALL been there done that but some choose to forget that fact.

:welcome: Again.

:welcome: To the forum.

There are no ignorant questions!
. . . . . . . .

We've ALL been there done that but some choose to forget that fact.

Exactly. Enquiry for knowledge cannot ever be ignorance.

However, you will come into contact with plenty on here who are!

You will have to decide for yourself who are the great Sages and who are purporting their own theories in ignorance of the facts!

Oh, and by the way:welcome:
I am there now! Questions...question ....questions. Each one leads to another! Looking in the books doesn't always provide the answer...there are loads of fab people here to help...and so generous with their time. It is a great forum.
I am there now! Questions...question ....questions. Each one leads to another! Looking in the books doesn't always provide the answer...there are loads of fab people here to help...and so generous with their time. It is a great forum.

Blush,...... Oh sorry, you probably didn't mean me!