As a new bee keeper I have one colony which was bought as a nucleus last year in July. The colony has survived the winter and appears strong. I have noticed the last couple of days that there is always a small gathering of 50+ bees around one side or other f the entrance. Last night they were there all night long. I have a brood box with one super on at the moment. Is this a prelude to swarming or are they trying to tell me they need more room? Any help appreciated
As a new bee keeper I have one colony which was bought as a nucleus last year in July. The colony has survived the winter and appears strong. I have noticed the last couple of days that there is always a small gathering of 50+ bees around one side or other f the entrance. Last night they were there all night long. I have a brood box with one super on at the moment. Is this a prelude to swarming or are they trying to tell me they need more room? Any help appreciated