Beekeeper on trial - treatments

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Jun 18, 2011
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A beekeeper from Perthshire has gone on trial accused of administering banned drugs to honey bees.

Royal apiarist Murray McGregor, who has produced honey for Prince Charles, faces a series of charges relating to the importing and storing of unauthorised medicinal products.

McGregor, the owner of Denrosa Apiaries in Blairgowrie, is alleged to have "administered unauthorised veterinary medicinal products" to an animal, namely the honey bee.
is it the same Murray Mcgregor that was until recently Chair of Bee Farmers Association?
Tut,Tut you can't treat for foulbrood in the uk.
A beekeeper from Perthshire has gone on trial accused of administering banned drugs to honey bees.

Royal apiarist Murray McGregor, who has produced honey for Prince Charles, faces a series of charges relating to the importing and storing of unauthorised medicinal products.

McGregor, the owner of Denrosa Apiaries in Blairgowrie, is alleged to have "administered unauthorised veterinary medicinal products" to an animal, namely the honey bee.

In this case the beekeeper was using an unapprooved vetrinary medicine an antibiotic terramycin which really should have been introduced to the food chain as it will reduce its effectiveness elsewhere.

The worry will be that if he is convicted this might establish a case law precedent that can be used for other cases for use of other substances such as formic and oxalic acids by beekeepers though how they will test for substance like these use when they are present to some extent in the hive legitimately is another discussion. Or am I wrong in my beliefs, willing to be corrected if I am.
In this case the beekeeper was using an unapprooved vetrinary medicine an antibiotic terramycin

It is an approved veterinary medicine, but usually it can only be used to treat the bees by a bee inspector.

This was back during the large outbreak of EFB in Scotland, so the antibiotic may well of been administered by a bee inspector... or under their supervision.
true but only after informing the bee inspector.
I'd imagine with the beekeeper in question the lines got blurred as he runs vast numbers of colonies and I'm sure the Scottish inspectors needed as much help from him and his staff as they could get to get on top of the outbreak.
I cannot comment too much right now....but......

The OTC was used absolutely in accordance with the agreed methodology....but.....knowing the timescales involved and the likely slowness of approved supply (this was in fact the case) I sourced some privately to get going before the govt delivery was made. When you have around 2000 to treat three times and have already voluntarily destroyed 169 by fire (an upsetting and damaging event) you cannot wait until October to start.

Yes mbc. I was heavily involved from the start and assisted in devising the treatment strategy.

The miticide was a product I was directed towards, as we had a mite emergency, by an English based bee inspector who had a supply in his car.

When questioned about this I was completely open as I did not think I had anything to hide.....but I DID shortcut the system, so guilty on that.

I will give fuller information after all the dust settles.

All these are historic matters and no longer have any part of our was jumping the gun on the OTC and a single emergency mite kill when available products were ineffective or out of stock ......but did not go through cascade, so am for the high jump.

I am very open about such things and did not mind telling people and providing assistance............might be my downfall.
In my country antibiotics can be used but I cannot sell the honey from that hive.

We use EU legistation in beekeeping.
But as we have seen, beekeepers tend to make their own rules despite of common legistation.
I have only started dipping into the forum again in the last fortnight or so in order to watch the "winter sport", but this is a very sobering thread.

I hope it all goes as well as possible for you ITLD.
Of all the regular contributors on this forum, I particularly value what you have to say.

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I cannot comment too much right now....but......

The OTC was used absolutely in accordance with the agreed methodology....but.....knowing the timescales involved and the likely slowness of approved supply (this was in fact the case) I sourced some privately to get going before the govt delivery was made. When you have around 2000 to treat three times and have already voluntarily destroyed 169 by fire (an upsetting and damaging event) you cannot wait until October to start.

Yes mbc. I was heavily involved from the start and assisted in devising the treatment strategy.

The miticide was a product I was directed towards, as we had a mite emergency, by an English based bee inspector who had a supply in his car.

When questioned about this I was completely open as I did not think I had anything to hide.....but I DID shortcut the system, so guilty on that.

I will give fuller information after all the dust settles.

All these are historic matters and no longer have any part of our was jumping the gun on the OTC and a single emergency mite kill when available products were ineffective or out of stock ......but did not go through cascade, so am for the high jump.

I am very open about such things and did not mind telling people and providing assistance............might be my downfall.

If, with this open and compliant stance and with a bee-centric attitude they still wish to prosecute then it says more about the shortcomings of the system than any shortcomings of your beekeeping systems itld.
Good luck and I hope sense prevails, negative press is unhelpful all round.
I hope all works out well for you Murry.
I am sure many forum members will speak up for you if needed.
If, with this open and compliant stance and with a bee-centric attitude they still wish to prosecute then it says more about the shortcomings of the system than any shortcomings of your beekeeping systems itld.

Always the case isn't it - nice little scalp for some box ticker somewhere.