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May 29, 2010
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3 National Hives & 1 Observation Hive.(Indoors) & lots of empty boxes..
I caught the end of a news item on the radio that finished with "beekeepers must take all measures to keep thier bees free of desease to protect the wild bee population"
Anybody hear all of it?
Watched the whole bulletin .
More misinformation.
Commercial beekeepers responsible for the loss of bumblebees and must keep their colonies free of disease !
Too simplistic even for Johny public !
Ah! Well an over night wonder hope fully .we now know that DWV now affects the bumble bee along with nosema but blame laying seems to be placed at the wrong door as to the public, the guy who sells a few jars of honey is a commercial beekeeper and the villain of the peace!
As post in the other theard

Shame their reporters don't check on each others reports?

"The imported bumblebee colonies carried a range of parasites including the three main bumblebee parasites (Crithidia bombi, Nosema bombi and Apicystis bombi), three honeybee parasites (Nosema apis, Ascosphaera apis and Paenibacillus larvae), and two parasites that infect both bumblebees and honeybees (Nosema ceranae and deformed wing virus).

Also talking to beek's in Thornbury on BBC 1 news 7.30ish this morning " I've Lost one hive this winter from DWV as they can't fly out to get nectar and pollen"
This was cut out in later broadcast
I'd love to be able to make my bees disease free. Someone needs to provide me with the tools to do that. Although I'm not sure how that would stop bumblebees infecting my bees.
But he added: "Beekeepers need new effective medications and other biotechnical controls to help in the management of bee pests and diseases and these should be a high-priority action."

I thought it had been ever since they discovered the problem.
You'd have thought with their combined intellect and £3m, one of them might have checked previous findings or this forum and saved a lot of wasted time and money.
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They would have been better off if they donated the £3m to Admin as there are quite a few beekeepers here with some common sense
You'd have thought with their combined intellect and £3m, one of them might have checked previous findings or this forum and saved a lot of wasted time and money.

Perhaps that what they will be doing between taking all expence paid research holidays.