BBC Dropps Sir Tom for Boy-George!

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Queen Bee
Apr 4, 2011
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Wow, BBC Cut backs are really starting to bite! :ohthedrama:

Maybe Sir tom could start keeping bees with the spare time he'll have in the next 12 months? bee-smillie

Doubt I'll be watching, The Voice will also be Queen-less now with no Rita either, unless (at the risk of being non-PC) you count Mr O'Dowd??

Would love to see how Rita would design a Bee suit.:blush5:
Stumbled across this on FB last night (Just to set the record straight, I have no interest in the voice or any other platform for talentless wannabees who think having a voice like a cracked p!sspot is the way to instant riches)
BBC announced on radio2 yesterday that Tom Jones has decided not to star in 'the voice' in the next series - he's to be replaced by Boy George (David Lloyd George's great grandson I believe?) announcement by Sir Tom on FB last night - another load of lies by the beeb, they've dropped him without even the courtesy of telling him.

Earth moving stuff eh?
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BBC must have had him at a reduced cost because no way is Boy George anything like a musical legend as Sir Tom Jones
I don't care...........mindless drivel.

I don't know.. beats reading Beekeeping forums...:icon_204-2:

:sorry: I'll get my coat ...
Unfortunately, I do know what you're talking about, but it does seem to be very popular. I'd rather the Beeb made programmes like this than the endless repeats to which we are subject. Some programmes are repeated on a different channel on the same day. Others, eg on BBC4, are interesting, but padded out to last and hour rather than the 30, or 45 max, they deserve, and are repeated on the same night!!! Why don't they just go back to two, well-filled channels and save millions. If you miss something, there's always I-player...

I have to declare an interest, I don't have a tv - but would resent having to pay a full licence fee to view the current offering
Phew. I'm glad I didn't bother with a TV license. Books are all I need
BBC must have had him at a reduced cost because no way is Boy George anything like a musical legend as Sir Tom Jones

Unfortunately, you'll probably find that boy George thinks he is!

What was it , two hits or three?

But he has been arrested more times & done much more work in the community, (or was that community service). :smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:
Unfortunately, you'll probably find that boy George thinks he is!

What was it , two hits or three?

But he has been arrested more times & done much more work in the community, (or was that community service). :smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:

Sends out a great message doesn't it?
On a brighter note, I may watch to see what happens when he is the only judge to turn. Nightmare scenario for the contestant or what?
what's it all about anyway?

Talentless judges (with the exception of Tom Jones) lording it up over frightened kids trying to sing. Same old formula. People tune in hopeful to see someone humiliated. Awful TV programmes that seem to be shaping the personalities of the younger generations. Friendliness and decency doesnt cut it anymore. You have to be hip and dog eat dog, over social media. Heaven forbid you talk face to face.
Same old formula. People tune in hopeful to see someone humiliated. Awful TV programmes that seem to be shaping the personalities of the younger generations. Friendliness and decency doesnt cut it anymore. You have to be hip and dog eat dog, over social media. Heaven forbid you talk face to face.[/QUOTE]

Bit like this forum then?..........I'll get me' coat!:sorry::)

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