Bald Brood

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Bet it’s varroa related, most bee problems seem to be. And like most creatures, if severely weakened, diseases can take hold.

No one seems to know for sure, but think it is a virus.
Not seen it in any colonies here, seems to be mainly in Cornwall and Devon though.
I've just had a visit from the SBI he did comment on some of the bald brood seen, healthy looking larvae inside, his suggestion was varroa load, common at this time of year and suggested that the workers don't cap the cells as they are aware that there is a mite in the cell.

sounds plausible?

one colony had some sac brood so I'll re queen them at the weekend but other than that all okay.

I am aware that VSH bees uncap cells if varroa inside cells and then chew the pupae head off. Never heard of cell not being capped in the first place? Anyone else aware of this? My bees have had a lot of bald brood this year. Not all to do with wax moth. Could it be to do with the hot weather and uncapping to cool brood more efficiently since there has been a water shortage?
No one seems to know for sure, but think it is a virus.
Not seen it in any colonies here, seems to be mainly in Cornwall and Devon though.

Interesting its seems to be the far SW that has it.
Cornwall appears to have also suffered a higher proportion of AFB this year compared to the rest of the UK. Thankfully all mine are well away from the areas affected and on inspection reported clear by SBI.