Bait Hive swarm - am I doing this right?

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House Bee
Jul 9, 2012
Reaction score
Nr Exeter (originally from Gogledd Cymru)
Hive Type
Number of Hives
7 + nucs
First year I've tried a bit hive properly, and lo and behold, my first swarm arrived yesterday. Not my bees, so unknowns...

Looks like a prime, just by sheer volume (have collected one or two primes and casts).

This is what I'm planning...

1. The bait hive is in ideal spot, but will move forward a couple of feet later this evening (so I don't fall down a bank when inspecting).
2. They have all undrawn foundation, but a full national's worth. Having just got rid of a hive of LWs, I'm going to sub in a frame or two of pollen and stores from that hive. Not sure when best to do this (see point 4).
3. Have syrup at the ready, but having read a good thread from last month, unsure whether to feed. Weather is great, clover and bramble just on line... But they have lots of drawing out to do. Shall I give them a hand?
4. If yes to feeding, then when's best? I thought give them a couple of days to use up any stored honey in building efforts, rather than lay it down (provenance unknown). Also add pollen frames at this point?
5. Oxalic treatment in a couple of days? Before brood gets going (hopefully)
6. Will have a look in a week, for general status of colony and take from there...

Any advice, as always, greatly appreciated.
I've just checked on a swarm here that arrived on Thursday. They have drawn out 6 frames of 14x12 foundation and have plenty of stores with no feeding at all! Reckon they'll be fine as long as your local forage is ok.
Ideal wax drawing weather.

If it were me I'd feed in three days to get comb drawn out as quick as poss.
I've just checked on a swarm here that arrived on Thursday. They have drawn out 6 frames of 14x12 foundation and have plenty of stores with no feeding at all! Reckon they'll be fine as long as your local forage is ok.

If there is good forage feeding may not be necessary. If you do decide to feed some 1:1 syrup don't over do it. A litre or two should be adequate but only after 3 days so they have emptied their stomachs and locked any pathogens they brought with them into the wax they make.
I'm in a similar position. Swarm arrived 8.45am Saturday.

"Gap" on here so may need to feed,

I'm using double brood with dummy boards. I want the foundation drawn out down to the bottom bars.

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