Bailey comb change

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I have inherited 3 hives on commercial brood boxes. They are very old and the boxes are full of old black wild comb, heavily propolised and the frames are impossible to remove without destroying them completely.
I wish to transfer the colonies to new National frame brood boxes.
I put a new clean national brood box of foundation on top of the old brood box hoping for a Bailey comb change. The bees have drawn the new comb, put some pollen around the centre area and filled the rest with honey. No sign of any eggs or brood on any of the 3 hives!
I extracted the honey, mostly OSR, and replaced the frames. They are now being filled again with honey. Tried putting the entrance between the 2 boxes and closing the lower one to no effect.
Anyone have any idea how to persuade the queen to move up to the new clean quarters? The above applies to all 3 hives.