Hi Richard...I have two hives in my small apiary (!) on allotments, one hive is next to the netting which gives me just enough room to stand by its side. the other hive, the hive that will need A/S'ing soon, is 2 1/2 feet away, and on the other side there is maybe3 feet of useable space. So not enough room to do the Pagden method, since I believe bees are bled off by moving first to one side and then to the other side of the A/S. The Snelgrove board, and I've gone and bought one now! sounds ideal. Hadn't thought about the lifting however, had trouble changing the floor on my own! There are handy beeks around, although whether they will be there when needed is a different matter. Is it essential to check what's going on underneath the Snelgrove board?
I have read so many A/s techniques over the winter they are all a jumble in my mind. I must choose one soon, get it all ready and not be diverted by wanting to do a different method.