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Queen Bee
Nov 8, 2009
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South London
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I received this email yesterday:

...."My name is xxxxxxx and I'm currently studying in London. I'm writing to you because I'm in the need for (a few) bees and I found you on the UrbanBees website. I have an immune disorder called Alopecia Areata -which has no cure so far- and one month ago I started an alternative therapy based on bee venom (also called apitherapy) in Chile, but here in London it has been impossible to find an apitherapist to continue the treatment. I've been trained to sting myself with bees but I don't have bees. That's why I'm writing to you.
I'm currently using 5 bees a week, and I'm willing to pay for them if necessary. I'm aware that you have bees for a very different reason to mine but I also like them. I even came up with a method for stinging myself without killing the bees, so I could give them back to you every time I use them. I wouldn't ask you this favor but so far the therapy seems to be working and I wouldn't like to stop the treatment".....

For no other reason than being intrigued by his "patent non lethal bee-friendly stinging technique" I replied and he's coming to my apiary at the w/e. Any comments on the legitimacy of this?
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I came across a YouTube vid of some talk show in the states and they had a guy on there that used bee to administer a sting to his elbow joint if I remember correctly. He did live on the show. Dead bees after though so I myself would like to see how he does it without them dying.

Be careful it's not some scam though, call me untrusting if you like.

We had a talk by a chap at the association (and demos on volunteers) on bee sting therapy. It all sounded very plausible, until he expanded the list of things it "cures", when he mentioned baldness I switched off.

However, the condition he has is not nice so perhaps you can overcome my scepticism and do someone a good turn.
Sounds facinating but i wouldnt invite a total stranger to my apiary.
Could u not meet him somewhere else and just take a few girls with you
Hope i'm wrong and interested to hear the outcome
Keep posting
"i wouldnt invite a total stranger to my apiary"

...sorry hedgehog and no offence intended - did you learn that from your mother?
Who do you call if he administers the first sting and goes into anaphylactic shock? :svengo:
I had someone ask me recently just the same for a different condition. I advised going to the local GP and getting advice and referral to a qualified apitherapist. Have never been inside a courtroom - would like to keep it that way.:judge:

That's why I've invited him to my apiary - look at the forecast, there won't be a bee in sight for the next couple of weeks. Besides which, how exactly would I be legally liable if he mistreated a bee?

That's why I've invited him to my apiary - look at the forecast, there won't be a bee in sight for the next couple of weeks. Besides which, how exactly would I be legally liable if he mistreated a bee?

I assumed he was going to demonstrate his non fatal (to the bee) stinging technique to you.......just have your bee gloves on and be prepared to drag him swiftly out the gate onto common ground. :D
it all sounds a bit odd. but if it may help someone then i cant see what harm it would do to find out more, i am looking forward to your next poast on this man and his treatment, many great discoverys start with some thing that seems a bit odd.:rolleyes: keep an open mind and stay safe
Maybe this what he has in mind?
Apitherapy is popular in the US and Germany. They use old bees because they will die soon anyway. The bee is held with two or three fingers and the sting directed to the desired area. There is a UK Apitherapy society in N. London run by Sue Claydon and Barbara Dolby. Google it for info. I am told it is effective for a range of disorders, although I have not tried it myself.

Thank you very much for that information!

He's coming tomorrow afternoon - from further information he's emailed (combined with good old google) I'm now confident he's legit....just hope I can coax a bee out of a feeder hole for a demo!
Keep us informed please! It may work, it may be mind over matter, but its nice to help folk out if one can. Best of luck.

BTW - he might think because the bee doesn't usually die (become immobile) as soon as she stings, he may think she doesn't die.
I think there is a big difference between Apitherapy that is recognised by the medical world (desensitisation etc) and Apitherapy according to Alt Med...

I would not get involved and refer him to his Doctor who, if Apitherapy is appropriate will arrange.

Mainly because I can't stand quackery of alt med. (Apitherapy curing baldness etc... Chortle chortle!)
"i wouldnt invite a total stranger to my apiary"

...sorry hedgehog and no offence intended - did you learn that from your mother?

Sorry richardbees - much more effective if it comes from the father!