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Jul 5, 2010
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Northern Ireland
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G'day all!

A good friend of mine is soon to present a lecture on the siting of apiaries, the focus being on the locational aspects of apiaries rather than the layout of an apiary. He has been out photographing his own apiary by way of examples of what not to do! and I have been trawling the web for 'interesting' apiary pictures that might have some instructional use.

I recall seeing a picture on this forum of a couple of hives sitting in flood water - this was posted last year. I have tried to locate the picture via the forum search function but have had no luck so far...... Can anyone direct me to that picture or, if you were the original poster of the picture, would you be prepared to allow its use in a lecture and can you send me a link to the image?

Also, if anyone else has any interesting and instructional pictures on the subject of apiary location and you would be prepared to allow their use in the lecture, could you post the pictures here or PM me? Due acknowledgement will be given with regards to copyright for the pictures etc. The lecturer isn't being paid for the lecture by the way! I guess the type of pictures he is after will range from the "its really obvious that that is a bad apiary site" to "This is the world's most perfect apaiary site". Pictures of rooftop apiaries would be good too.

Cheers if anyone can help out with this,


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