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New Bee
Jul 16, 2014
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I started with bees earlier this year, having done the evening classes and practical courses with Stockport Beekeepers, and I now have 2 colonies that have been doing very well until one colony swarmed this week - see Beginers section- Late Swarm. I have been interested in keeping bees since I laboured for Brother Adam at Buckfast Abbey in the summer of 1969. Now I have retired I have finally realised my ambition. I have the colonies in my garden but the swarm has highlighted my hobby to neighbours and I hope I don't have to move them.
I started with bees earlier this year, having done the evening classes and practical courses with Stockport Beekeepers, and I now have 2 colonies that have been doing very well until one colony swarmed this week - see Beginers section- Late Swarm. I have been interested in keeping bees since I laboured for Brother Adam at Buckfast Abbey in the summer of 1969. Now I have retired I have finally realised my ambition. I have the colonies in my garden but the swarm has highlighted my hobby to neighbours and I hope I don't have to move them.

Did your neighbours see them then ? Did you capture the swarm ? If they are not being a nuisance to your neighbours then explain to them how your beekeeping is helping the plight of the bees.... May not be true but usually gets the sympathy vote ... Until someone gets stung. !! Good luck ..
Hi Pargyle,
I watched them swarm - awesome! Followed the swarm to next door but one and retrieved them with cardboard boxes. Then hived them in a borrowed brood box. The neighbours saw the swarm and the resulting activity and have been v good and understanding. Thing is they did not know I had bees until the swarm. All is quiet now with no fallout. I think gifts of honey are on the Xmas list already.
Unfortunately myth and Hollywood have been rather too successful with the message Swarm = angry bees
where as the truth with honey bees is Swarm = happy bees (non-anthropmorhically "least state agressive state").
We should really push the equation of swarming bees with the change of the seasons and the fertility of the environment.
And that seeing a swarm in flight is a "feel good experience" and not a thing to fear.
So keep spreading the word Swarm = happy bees
and swarm = Spring is here and summer is soon
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