For beekeepers in/near Wales, please see info below.
And inspectors will be on the WBKA stand at the Spring Festival in Builth this weekend.
(Builth itself has had local AFB outbreaks.) I've heard other complaints, as from lal500, about the Beebase service, but these are opportunities to talk with our inspectors. I've thought the disease workshops were well worth going to in the past.
National Bee Unit Wales : Beekeeper Advice Surgeries in 2017
The NBU team will be getting out and about to local association venues this year and offering new, more tailored support sessions to local beekeepers. The Beekeeper Advice Surgeries in Wales will follow a slightly different format from the familiar workshops in order to offer greater variety and flexibility for busy beekeepers. As the title suggests they will be ‘drop in’ surgeries, allowing attendees to come and go at a time of their choosing, and to focus on the issues of greatest concern to them.
The surgeries will provide an opportunity for beekeepers to meet some of the NBU team in Wales, to get an understanding of the purpose and value of the Inspectorate’s work and, most importantly, to develop their knowledge and diagnosis of the key pest and disease threats to their bees.
We will be bringing our ever popular diseased combs, displayed under special licence, to give attendees first hand and, we hope only, experience of brood disease. We will also be providing stalls of information covering a wider range of pests and diseases and relevant good beekeeping practice, from varroa control to biosecurity and exotic pests.
Welsh Government and the Animal and Plant Health Agency, of which the NBU is a part, are keen that the events are made available to all beekeepers. As in previous years, associations are hosting our surgeries but attendance is not restricted to association members – all beekeepers are welcome to come along. Full protective sanitary wear will be provided and we will require surgery attendees to comply with the biosecurity measures we will have in place.
The surgeries will run from 2pm until 5pm on Saturdays as follows:
Sat. 27 May Brecon & Radnor BKA Jubilee Hall, Llanelwedd LD2 3TY
Sat. 3 June Aberystwyth BKA IBERS, Aberystwyth SY23 3EB
Sat.10 June Anglesey BKA Rhosmeirch Community Hall LL77 7TW
Sat.17 June Flint & District BKA Edith Bank Mem Hall, Northop CH7 6BQ
Sat.1 July Swansea & District BKA Pontardulais Comp. School SA4 8PD
Sat. 8 July Cardiff & Vale BKA Thornhill Centre, Cardiff CF14 9GA
Sat 15 July Pembrokeshire BKA Picton Centre, Haverfordwest, SA61 1TP
Contact details are available from or
[email protected]