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New Bee
May 14, 2019
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Hive Type
Hi All

Just done an inspection on my new nuc colony that I transferred into a hive last week and found 2 queen cups, one with a very small larvae in. The queen is there and laying, lots of eggs and young larvae and they have loads of room so I got rid of both cells. Do you think they started making the cells because they were packed in so tight in the Nuc box when I got it or is there something else I should be looking for?

Thanks Josh
You have answered your own question so.......

Effectively they were in swarm mode and next inspection there are two likely outcomes.

1: You have a normal colony getting on with it, and you got lucky.

2: You have more queen cells.

If 2, then you will have to A/S them sorry to say. Forget knocking down the cells as they have made a definitive statement that they are wanting to reproduce.

New hive and the bees are hedging their bets, they don't know yet if the queen is up to the job. If she continues to lay well they will probably destroy the cells. You could do it now but if they are still undecided they may build others. If the queen is ok the chances are all will turn out right but obviously.....I can't guarantee that. All I can say is young queen's are a risk to a colony so often they tinker with queen cells until they are sure!