Advice on.AS and reunite

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OK the continuing sage. AS did not go to plan as could not find the Q but there were eggs. This Q has been seen regularly on inspections and only last week. We went through a second time after leaving them for a while. We split the frames into two's but still could not see her.

Being a fine upstanding Englishman it was decided to have a cup of tea and a think so we did. It was decided that we would shake them down on to QX. We shook the last frame feeling a little demoralised; bit of smoke to help them through then the eagle eyed Village Girl spotted Q. No yellow spot any more and looking rather slim so getting ready to swarm I take it and she still may. But for now 3 hives swarm managed.
Hi Outlander,
Still in care I take it as I did not have you down as a herbalist! Well, at this rate you will be drinking a lot of char. Fifty hives by the end of the season!
When I join colonies in summer, I just pile them together without paper.
For example 1 larva box +3 box +2 box = productive unit

4 box + 4 box +4 box = two 6 box hives.

Can someone translate this as its completely meaningless to me ?
Can someone translate this as its completely meaningless to me ?

when main yield is starting, I carry my hives to outer pastures.

I join weak hives, that they are strong and able to handle heavy crops.
Our main yield is short and strong, because several plants have narrow time to bloom, 4-5 weeks.

If hive has naturally developed to size of 4 boxes, it is too small to honey production. I take from somewhere 2 box of bees and add it on 4 box hive.
I join brood hives and forager hives so that hive has a balance to handle yield, when ever it comes..
I'm running out of equipment Beeno , we started the season with 4 hives two at mine and two at VG. We now have 8 hives and two nucs, so until we get an out apiary sorted we don't want no more. Should have somewhere sorted next week. People offer but they are all too close need to find somewhere that’s three miles from me and three miles from VC. With all the calls from the council I may chance my are and see if they want to offer a bit of land to save the honey bees, especially the ones they will be putting my way.
when main yield is starting, I carry my hives to outer pastures.

I join weak hives, that they are strong and able to handle heavy crops.
Our main yield is short and strong, because several plants have narrow time to bloom, 4-5 weeks.

If hive has naturally developed to size of 4 boxes, it is too small to honey production. I take from somewhere 2 box of bees and add it on 4 box hive.
I join brood hives and forager hives so that hive has a balance to handle yield, when ever it comes..

Is that then 6 brood boxes full of brood and bees with one queen, working a crop for 4-5 weeks to fill more boxes placed on top, with honey ?.
Is that then 6 brood boxes full of brood and bees with one queen, working a crop for 4-5 weeks to fill more boxes placed on top, with honey ?.

if you have nursed bees, you should know what is normal or possible.

Bears no resemblance to anything I've seen or done in the UK over either bee keeping period that I've "nursed" bees. Is this now common practice with commercials here ?.
You should know how much one box of brood produces bees and how many supers the hive needs in the middle of main yield.

My experience is that if the hive has 6 boxes full of brood, it needs 25 super boxes= about 30 box tower. a normal professional trick.

I'm running out of equipment Beeno , we started the season with 4 hives two at mine and two at VG. We now have 8 hives and two nucs, so until we get an out apiary sorted we don't want no more. Should have somewhere sorted next week. People offer but they are all too close need to find somewhere that’s three miles from me and three miles from VC. With all the calls from the council I may chance my are and see if they want to offer a bit of land to save the honey bees, especially the ones they will be putting my way.

Hi Outlander,
I know, I am probably only a week or so behind you myself, but you and I need a combine strategy. Hoping I can do a Finman - one week of comb building or two to get swarm fever out of their systems and recombine. Aparently, three swarms can be combined and live happily together? Why can't one unite all the insy queen cell leftovers from the artificial swarms - paper method and just one queen cell from the best colony at the end of it?
You should know how much one box of brood produces bees and how many supers the hive needs in the middle of main yield.

My experience is that if the hive has 6 boxes full of brood, it needs 25 super boxes= about 30 box tower. a normal professional trick.


Is Finman the only person responding here, I;ve been to a dozen UK apiaries and never seen a 30 box tower, 7 or 8 maybe. Does this relate to UK commercial practice ?
That's a tall storey. :hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray:

my best year ever was 5 supers on a National BB
Normal good hive has 15 frames of brood and in the middle of summer the hive needs 5-7 boxes.
Bigger hives are nuisance.

20 frames of brood is really good hive, and it is pretty difficult to nurse. These are rare cases.
So most of your earlier post was nonsense, why do that ?
So most of your earlier post was nonsense, why do that ?

i have never written that i join 6 boxes brood. It was your conclusion. I took it as a British Intellectual Poking.

And now you say that "most of my writings are nonsense." what can I do?

At least I have no proplems in these issues. I know what to do. If you notice, I have not asked help in this forum.

It depends on size of swarm, what I do with them. If it is too small, I make a mating nuc from it.

5 frame swarm makes no sense but however I must kill its swarming fever first with foundation drawing.

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