3rd June - inspections and manipulation

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I took advantage of the good weather and inspected all hives.
No 1 which had been empty until last week when l hived a swarm from the association breeding apiary was busily drawing comb and bringing in nectar and pollen. Only a cursory check of the middle frame as I don't want to disturb the queen if she is/was a virgin.
No 2 continues to disappoint, green queen seen aimlessly wandering over the comb but only a couple of postage stamp size patches of eggs. One more week and she will be squished and the bees shaken out to beg their way into other hives.
No 3 has decided to get going with the warmer weather conditions. It's been slow but may catch up.
No 4 holds a swarm which moved in a couple of weeks ago and has eggs, larvae plus drawing comb, bringing in nectar and pollen. Plenty of traffic on the landing board.
No 5 appears to be queenless. No eggs or young larvae. Bees are calm but I have taken a frame of eggs and brood from hive 6 and placed it in 5
No 6 is very strong. Eggs, larvae and brood in a good pattern plus supers full of bees with stores building nicely. One queen cup quite well drawn out amongst the brood. I decided to leave this alone for now.
No 7 is an empty newly built hive for future swarm control/splits
No 8 contains the cluster which I had removed from the roof of hive 6. I was not sure if this was bees sitting outside on a hot afternoon or a swarm but today it held lots of eggs. Glad I hived the cluster now.
No 9 is another empty newly built hive standing by for duty
The bait hive continues to be sporadically checked by scouts, hopefully from the other beekeepers in the village not my hives.