I missed last week at the apiary due to it conflicting with the Beverley Bee Keepers social day. However this week I met up with the Barkston Ash beginners and they checked their hives. Tony's hive had an opened queen cell partly chewed down and no sign of the second which had been visible on the test frame a couple of weeks ago. The hive was closed up again.
Becky's hive is almost fully drawn out and has had a super on for a week now. Several of the super frames are capped and the remainder are filling up. If the bees maintain the current rate of progress a second super may be needed before the season ends. Certainly there will be a honey harvest from this new colony. An encouraging start for a new beekeeper
Becky's hive is almost fully drawn out and has had a super on for a week now. Several of the super frames are capped and the remainder are filling up. If the bees maintain the current rate of progress a second super may be needed before the season ends. Certainly there will be a honey harvest from this new colony. An encouraging start for a new beekeeper