2nd swarm advice needed

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House Bee
Jan 18, 2017
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I took the dog out into the garden this morning and noticed a new spiky plant growing from my hedge, unable to figure out what it was or how it got there I moved closer and was horrified to see it was a tower of bees. I presume my hive must have swarmed yesterday while I was out and had spent the night on the hedge.
So the good news is it was a doddle to catch them.
The bad news is it's the second swarm from my hive in 3 weeks and I'm not sure what my next steps should be.

As soon as I had caught the swarm I opened my hive for an inspection. The supers are drawn out but have almost no stores, the frames in the brood box are heavy with uncapped stores and have a few eggs and a new queen. But overall the population is pitifully low.

Any and all advice welcome
If you have a laying queen then unlikely to be your swarm. Three weeks since last swarm and you have eggs.....Make sure there are no more queen cells in your original hive. Wait until the hive and the swarm are laying, decide which queen You like best and combine them. I admit to being a bit confused about your ur time scales. Let's See what others think.
I'm going to agree with Enrico .. I don't think that swarm was from your hive..
A hive usually has to have significant strength to throw a cast and they're most likely to do so within 10 days of the original swarm .. when I've had calls to pick up casts from wild colonies they've always been 7 days after the prime swarm.

Given your hive swarmed 3 weeks ago the timing would be consistent for the virgin queen to have mated and started laying .. the miserable weather of the last couple of weeks would have had an impact on both..

If you have a second colony and it's strong enough I would consider donating a frame of capped brood to the weakend colony.. I had to do this yesterday to one of mine which appears to be struggling, to the extent I found a frame of dead brood that they'd obviously abandoned to keep the rest of the brood warm.

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