22nd April - First swarm collection of 2017

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Collected the first swarm of 2017 from a Blackthorn hedge this afternoon. The major part of the swarm was clustered on a branch but a part of the cluster had fallen off and was on the ground below.
I placed a brood box and floor adjacent to the group on the ground, cut off the branch and shook the bees into the box. Gently inserted frames of foundation and fitted a crownboard. The bees on the ground marched in to the entrance and joined their friends. I left the box in place until evening when i found all the bees had gone inside and i could relocate the hive.
Left them three days to draw comb and use the stores they carried in.
25th April - the weather has turned very cold and very little foraging can go on. Accordingly as the bees stomachs are now empty I have given a feed of 2litres of 1:1 syrup
20th June - working hard
The colony expanded and now has three supers on. Two are almost capped, the third is partly drawn and nectar being stored. I'm planning to take the two full supers off and extract at the weekend.