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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. T

    Cotoneaster bee haven

    Our cotoneaster is a magnet for bees, mainly bumbles, and the odd Queen wasp. If they are causing a problem you could give it a good prune and reduce the amount of flowers. It's very unlikely there is a 'nest' in the shrub, except maybe a bird's nest or two.
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    just starting out in a somewhat backwards fasion.

    Welcome to the forum, You've picked the time just when the forum has been 'upgraded' and we are all feeling our way around at present. Someone nearer to you will be along shortly I would think to give some advice.
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    Important Announcement About Group Builder

    Hi again Dani, I've just read the post on how to stop the c**p and it seems to have worked.
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    Important Announcement About Group Builder

    Sorry Dani, I'm getting Ad's as a top banner and down the side.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    :ot::sorry: Do other countie's Wildlife Trusts run bat surveys? Down here int' south west we can 'bag' a kilometre grid square and then borrow a detector for 3 days. When we've done the recording you post the 'sd card' back to them and the results are added to the county's records and also sent...
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    Thorns 12 frame manual extractor slipping

    :sorry: But a photo would save a thousand words.
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    may have a problem

    Open Mesh Floor
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    The Sting in the Tail

    For wasp friends or foes. Radio 4 this pm.
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    Different types of foundation and different cell types

    I've found that 2 small cable ties through the wires(if use use wired of course) aroung the bottom bars stops the wax hitting the floor particularly if the inspection is on a warm day.
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    Different types of foundation and different cell types

    A belated :welcome: to the forum HEver.
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    Sorting out 5yr old supers with OSR honey

    :welcome:To the forum. Full marks for stepping in to assist. You've found the correct place to get dozens of different solutions to problems but if you 'pick and/or mix' the replys and use your gut feel I'm sure you'll get there.
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    Covid stopping me starting?

    The OP won't be able to send a PM yet, not enough posts. Could you PM the OP with your email or similar.
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    Sliver linings

    Dani, No I'm not. Gov. guidelines are self isolate for 7 days from onset of symptoms. After that??? I'm just trying to point out what a nonsense it is threatening to arrest someone who is stuck at home for driving to a viewpoint and then in sit their car to look at the view. PS To clarify I...
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    Sliver linings

    As someone who was informed over the phone by my GP that I have it and as my symptoms started last Thursday can I drive up to Dartmoor for a walk tomorrow as I can't now pass it on? The general feeling around here, particularly among the running community, is that the rules are nonsense. My OH...
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    Horses, birds and where to buy new equipment

    Buck's BKA would be a good place to start.
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    [/COLOR] Are you going to pin a photo on the bale as a target and do we get to choose?
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    Quiet hive

    How are they sited? Do they get equal sun? Some of ours are slightly shaded by shrubs and are not as active as the others. What action could you take if they are Q/less?
  18. T

    hello all

    :welcome:To the forum. I shall beat all the others to it and point out that you will get better and more accurate advice if you pin your location down better than UK. JBM beat me to it.
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    North Devon

    :welcome:To the Forum from Mid Devon.