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  1. Winker

    Looking for increase 10+ btw London and Suffolk, Surrey

    I have 2 6 Frame nucs for sale, with or without the box. At the moment they are in a 6 frame poly nuc. I am in bedfordshire
  2. Winker

    21 degrees in Norfolk

    Same here in Bedfordshire today, but the bees are not to be fooled they are not out flying around really
  3. Winker

    where are the wasps?

    When walking the dog over the last week I have noticed that the Ivy is being worked by the wasps, loads of them. Not a bee in sight. This is the first year I have seen so many Wasps working the ivy. My bees are still on the balsam.
  4. Winker

    Hiring honey spinner

    I have one for loan here just a few miles from you, I live at Sandy Bedfordshire. You need to join the Beds BKA first and it only costs a £10 for the year. Cheaper than trying to hire a spinner. We have 3 or 4 extractors for the members to borrow and I have one here at my house for the members...
  5. Winker

    Jars - from who & how much?

    Yes Lids included, we only do 1lb and 1/2 lb jars Its normally collection only
  6. Winker

    Jars - from who & how much?

    Bedfordshire BKA
  7. Winker

    Jars - from who & how much?

    We Sell jars at £18.50 for 72 lb jars
  8. Winker

    Ebay fraudulent listings

    If you did not take the picture its not yours to use freely. I am a professional photographer and its how i make a living. I have in the past taken people to court for the unauthorized use of my work. The courts will allow me to claim a % of anything made from the use of my photos which may have...
  9. Winker

    white bee

    chalk brood
  10. Winker

    Alternative to association membership of bbka

    Not sure, i have not done any of the exams nor do i know the price of them, sorry
  11. Winker

    Alternative to association membership of bbka

    We are £10 a year
  12. Winker

    Alternative to association membership of bbka

    look at our association we have no affiliation to the BBKA and we get our insurance from the NFU. a link to them is HERE
  13. Winker

    How has your association raised money?

    We in Bedfordshire run our own trading scheme, we sell foundation, jars, frames, Ambrosia etc and it all adds up to a fair profit at the end of the year.
  14. Winker

    I quit II

    :hairpull: You used to work in the houses of parliament? :icon_204-2:
  15. Winker

    I quit II

    :ohthedrama: Cya :party:
  16. Winker

    I quit now.......

    You still here? Thought you were leaving? :icon_204-2:
  17. Winker

    poly nuc & thymolated syrup

    My Poly nuc doesn't eat much syrup but the bees inside it do :icon_204-2:
  18. Winker

    Heated honey

    I wouldn't due to the high amounts of HMF (Hydroxymethylfurfural) it may have
  19. Winker

    Beekeeping Job wanted

    Like most Indians I don't think he is thinking about commuting :hairpull: But to be fair, at least he looking for a job before he gets here :winner1st:
  20. Winker

    how to start a new BKA?

    Bedfordshire Beekeepers Association is not affiliated with the BBKA here is ours This is the Constitution for Bedfordshire Beekeepeers Association. 1. THE ASSOCIATION shall be called the BEDFORDSHIRE BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION (hereafter called 'the Association'). Its objectives shall be...