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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. T

    Moving hives 20m

    I recently moved my hive approx 100m with help from the Forum. I was advised to close and block (use grass) the entrance at night, move into the new position and by the time they'd moved the grass out the way they would be orientated to the new position. Using an OMF and propping branches at...
  2. T

    More aggressive bees?

    Right, I'll get rid of the empty hive. I'm ok with going through the hive, I find I can ignore the cloud of angry bees around my head and now they are further away from habitation it shouldn't be a problem to sort through the hive to find the queen... Would it be a good idea to get 2 new queens...
  3. T

    More aggressive bees?

    The only change in the bees from last year was that I got them as a nuc in july and are now many thousands strong - I suspect they have built up into a full strength colony and are now showing their true nature! Incidentally a friend got a nuc from the same source and has had the same problem -...
  4. T

    More aggressive bees?

    They have only become like this in the last month, last year I could sit next to the hive with no problems. The garden is 2 acres so should be big enough from them, it's long and thin though so they will always be fairly near activity (although they can easily face the fields) I already avoid...
  5. T

    More aggressive bees?

    I have one hive (National on brood and a half) in the garden, second year of beekeeping. The problem is I can't get within 15m of the front without being seen off by the guard bees. They dive straight in and sting me usually on the head/face, not nice! I was expecting them to be harder work...
  6. T

    Hive abandoned for 5 years

    Thanks for the replies - I'm surprised so many are saying to leave alone, I thought the majority would be to get involved in the hive. I'll ask if I can have a look (if I can get in!) and make a decision after that - if they look healthy I might leave alone. Good advice on disinfecting my tools...
  7. T

    Hive abandoned for 5 years

    I've just learnt of a hive nearby (1 mile ish) that hasn't even been opened for 5 years (left by a divorced partner). The 'owner' wants to keep the hive but is scared to do anything with it. Should I be offering to treat it in any way - I'm worried about disease due to it's proximity to my hive?