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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. N


    re: pheasants No issues here at all, ever, despite them and partriges being fed for the local shoots so we have many tens of them near the hives. They may pick off dead bees, but never gone for the hives direct.
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    Honey Ripening

    The FSA requires a moisture content on no more than 20%, 23% for bakers, and 25% for bakers heather honey. See "The Honey Regulations 2003" on the FSA website, Scehdule 2.
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    Dummy Boards

    <begin pedantry and off topic note> There's a note above that dynamite (which is usually based on nitroglycerine (1,2,3-Trinitroxypropane)) is used as a measure for explosive strength. It's not. TNT (as in trinitrotoluene or 2-methyl-1,3,5-trinitrobenzene) is the explosive used as the metric...
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    Help: WASPS in the Bee Shed!

    Karol I assume you are aware of the weta that can repeatedly be frozen? According to Wikipedia (may or may not be correct) it has particular proteins in its haemolymph to prevent it freezing. It may be a reasonable assumption to make that a queen wasp is similar. As another points out it’s...
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    Never look in brood?

    ^^This. I've always seen myself as a beekeeper, not a bee abandoner or a bee exploiter. I note both Bros and Chris live away from others, which is fine, but when your bees are near civilisation one has to take responsibility and deal with swarming before it becomes a nuisance. The best method...
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    what is 7/16" in mm

    In the spirit of "teach a man to fish" and all that - if you type into google 7/16 inch in mm it will convert it. It does weird units to, so 30mph is the same as 80,640 furlongs per fortnight.
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    To treat or not for varroa

    IIRC it damages the mites' "claws" so they grip the bees less effectively, and fall off. I think the late Mr Cushman's site explains it.
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    Installing a nuc

    This I found really hard to do, it's something new and holds fascination. I suggest a clear (polycarbonate is better than glass) crownboard (or whatever you wish to call the board below the roof above the brood box) or one of those windowed brood boxes, just so you can have a peek without...
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    Smoker fuel

    Also doling out little nicotine patches after every inspection would be a bit of a drag...
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    Rural Non Broadband

    My suggested solution to OFCOM (ignored) was that for a sales pitch of "up to" 20Mb I would pay "up to" the monthly subscription proportionatly to what was actually delivered.
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    Union flag rant

    Nepal's flag is awesome. Hard to get that one upside down.
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    What are these large black bees

    re: drone paternity @cravenr Well, a drone is from an unfertilised egg, so by definition it is very much the mother's sole input, as you say, it has no dad, but does have a granddad. His* mother will be from the genes of her mum and dad in about equal measure. All other things being equal, this...
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    advise on talk

    Some pointers: 1) Short. Keep it short. Leave everyone crying for more not begging for less. 2) There's a "News at Ten" technique about signposting. The idea is people like to know where they are being led, so tell them what you are going to tell them, then tell them, then tell them what you...
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    private house tenant repossesion

    Pete The Dudley Citizens Advice crowd may be able to help - www.citizens (or one closer to you if you are Sandwell). (take out the space) As Martin suggested above, deposits should be protected in a scheme, not just held by the landlord. See...
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    Earwigs in my roof

    We had some copper slug tape left over, and I stuck it around the hive stand's legs. No more slugs. Before they'd climb around the hive but do no apparent damage (you could see the slime trail next day). Now I just hope nobody nicks the hive stand to get the copper...
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    Mobile Phone Question That is all.
  17. N


    Have you done a course? When I did mine the tutors offered to be there on nuc arrival day (they actually supplied most of them from the branch apiary anyway). It really is much easier with another experienced human with you. It's that moment when you think "what if..." and you can just ask. Or...
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    Blimey. I strongly suggest you join your local association and get a good mentor. Someone will be free the day the nuc arrvies and will help you. Ted Hooper's book has a whole chapter on it. In short what you need to do is (there is more to it than this, so please get a good book and a mentor. I...
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    Resurrected threads! Hurrah. At a guess this would be similar to the way Absinthe and Pernod go cloudy. There are oils in there (giving the flavour) which will be soluble in the alcohol at full whisky strength, but will precipitate when the alcohol is diluted. You see a similar effect around...
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    National Bee Unit and Asian Hornets

    I am sure many of you will have received this, but just in case it may be worth a read. Text from NBU as follows (link as bitly at the bottom): April 2012 - Response Plan for Dealing with the Asian Hornet Produced Developed by the Food and Environment Research Agency (Bee Health Policy and the...