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  1. P

    Fondant v syrup

    I let my girls decide, if they take it down quickly they get more if not I change it, strength that is, then when they take non it is fondant. My syrup has a dash of apple cider vinegar, lemon grass oil, vitamin C. Precise proportions, no.
  2. P

    Delay introduction of bought queen?

    That appears to be a sound plan, I hopefully have a black on the way this coming Tuesday and I am better prepared for her than at other times, we, that is you and I, will see. Fingers crossed and all the best
  3. P

    Too late to salvage weak nuc?

    I am thinking along those lines of going with the livelier queen, the girls are very healthy just ageing in the main hive
  4. P

    Passionate Beekeeper looking for work

    You know what we are thinking in response to this don't you,
  5. P

    Too late to salvage weak nuc?

    I am scratching my head, established hive I requeened due to queen loss, why I do not know, but the replacement she is a lazy so and so. The brood do not add up to half a frame on one side in 5 weeks of her tenure and plenty of double + triple eggs, the bees are dwindling and the clock is...
  6. P

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    No need to worry about grass it will come back whether you want it or no, our grass this year has grown beyond beyond. Could barely walk through the long grass and my heavy duty strimmer /brushcutter had it's work cut out. I use Oregon Techni Blade which blasts through brambles grass and thin...
  7. P

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    It is very difficult to explain our mentality to a non beekeeper, in fact I struggle when having a word with mesen
  8. P

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Just noticed the misstypes
  9. P

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Thank you for that, I have experienced that lingering damp mist in Norfolk broads area. i close of the capacity for the wind by poly sheeting on stand frames and have provided capacity to slide foam insualtion under the vented floors whilst leaving a little airflow. I put a big effort into...
  10. P

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Just checked your location on the map as I had no idea where Wiveliscombe was, you surely live in a idyllic location. To the point, the damp conditions, living in the northern hills we get more than our fair share of rain and winter sodden damp. What do you in your experience think the drawbacks...
  11. P

    Exxon Mobil

    Don't worry I have done computer modelling via AI and he is wrong so loook forward to your 90th :]
  12. P

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I have come to realise that bees are excellent barometers. The foragers all at home, they are the tough guys of the colony, so yes I would go with that theory
  13. P

    Exxon Mobil

    We will survive, it is that people will have to suffer the misery of enduring and overcoming something which is totally unnecessary inflicted upon us by nothing less than sociopaths assisted by willing fools. The girls keep us sane and show the way if I might say such a thing.
  14. P

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    That scenery is stunning
  15. P

    Exxon Mobil

    Simply a baton change in the relay team, Starmer to make the final sprint of our demise to 2030
  16. P

    Exxon Mobil

    Already have on X, it is sheer madness driven by greed and power
  17. P

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I have hay fever and prior to my bees was much worse, would not say it is a cure would not say it isn't but without doubt honey is beneficial. The bees from hell, was there a breed to them or mongrel ? And what queens have you gone for ?
  18. P

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    That reuse regulars is working like a loyalty card and giving you an edge, besides which no waste fits right in with my ethos
  19. P

    Lack of wasps

    I would be tempted to become a big time nest hunter, that situation sounds horrendous if it happened here I would be wiped out.
  20. P

    Feeder full of dead bees

    I thought so as well