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  1. M

    Split question

    Hi All Just about to do an AS but was wondering do you let your split raise a new queen or introduce a fertile queen? I have access to a free fertile queen that’s why I ask but the hive I’m about to split has 2 very new queen cells. Cheers Moor Park Bees
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    Queen it just me?

    I’ve just done an artificial swam on a hive I’ve got, lots of swam cells over the last few inspections.
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    Spring Varroa treatment

    Hello all First winter is basically over... I hope! Question is does anyone treat for mites in the spring? I’m doing mite drop monitoring now just to see what’s going on in there and I treated at the end of the season. Just seeing what others do and recommend. Thank you Moor Park Bees
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    First winter

    Thank you
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    First winter

    Hi all So this is my first winter bee keeping, I have 2 hives one is a 2019 nuc other is an established 2018 hive. Few things I’ve noticed and just wanted to run past you all. Both hives going in to winter had over 8 frames of capped honey in bb, I added fondant to both just to be on the...
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    Entrance block

    Morning all, I’m nearly all ready for winter just one question regarding the entrance that is do you turn your entrance block upside down over winter so that if bees die they don’t block it internally? Cheers Josh
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    London and the south - supers on still ?

    I’ve still got my supers on, have Himalayan Balsam and lime trees still going here in Rickmansworth. Plan to leave them on until I see the Ivy starting to flower.
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    Nuc hive super

    Perfect thank you
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    Nuc hive super

    Hi all One of my new nuc hives this year drew put there brood box in about 3 weeks so I gave them a super and they have drawn out, filled and capped about 6 frames. Should I put that super under the brood box for the winter or extract the super and feed them? Thanks JC
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    Bad Year For Jaspers

    Problem here too, have a wasp nest on the top of a chimney stack behind my hives (hives on roof) so can’t treat them. I got these - ASPECTEK Wasp Trap and Hornet Trap 2 Packs They seem to be doing the job! Although the...
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    Wasp nest very close to hive

    The pest controller is coming out at 6am Thursday to spray the wasp nest with a type of powder, I’m very uneasy about the whole thing! I’m tempted to leave the wasps but have a nuc hive that’s a little weak at the moment and just a bit worried. The roof walkways are copper and Zinc coated with...
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    Wasp nest very close to hive

    Hey thanks for the information. However the pest control company won’t charge me anything as I’ve helped them out with bee swarms in the past so I’m owed a favour!
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    Removing supers

    Very interested in trying the hot air gun method, are the cells damaged in anyway or misshapen by melting the capping’s?
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    Wasp nest very close to hive

    Thanks guys, will get our pest controller out just to be on the safe side.
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    Wasp nest very close to hive

    Hello, I have a wasp nest that has appeared above my hives. They aren’t causing any problems at the moment, if anything they are helping clean up eating the dead and dying bees. I was wondering though if I should get the nest destroyed if it’s going to cause problems in the long run? Nest is...
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    Pollen mixed with honey

    Hello, yes QX fitted
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    Pollen mixed with honey

    Hello, I’ve just had a look in on a new foundation super I put on a 2 weeks ago. Every frame is drawn bar one and full of honey with 60/70% capped already. I’ve noticed that there is a few cells half full with pollen and then nectar on top, just wanted to check this is normal. Thanks In advance!
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    Rotating hives

    Hello, can you rotate a hive so that the entrance faces a different direction or will this cause disorientation? Thanks
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    Hi All Just done an inspection on my new nuc colony that I transferred into a hive last week and found 2 queen cups, one with a very small larvae in. The queen is there and laying, lots of eggs and young larvae and they have loads of room so I got rid of both cells. Do you think they started...
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    Feeding and foraging

    All done, thank you for your advice! I was advised the latter that’s why I put the syrup on but have just taken it off. Thanks again, Josh