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  1. K

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    What a brilliant project👏🏻 You are right to be proud of what you've achieved because it's really something special
  2. K

    New renegade beekeeper Stirlingshire

    Hi Emma, If you haven't already seen this, here's a link to the most comprehensive film on skep beekeeping you'll find. It's from the 1970s and it's fascinating. Best wishes, Kate
  3. K

    Supermarket honey price ridiculously low - why?

    The Chinese are flooding the world with fake honey which is putting many local honey producers in countries like Mexico out of business. Almost every jar of supermarket honey will be a mix of EU and non-EU 'honey', and as soon as you see non-EU that invariably means China. China exports more...
  4. K

    Small cell foundation

    Totally agree with your philosophy. I don't use foundation and love seeing how the bees built their comb, often half worker/half brood spilt down the middle. The comb is robust and the bees seem very happy.
  5. K

    Some advice please - cbpv?

    Excellent news, then we've both had a laugh, which is refreshing in these weird times. Enjoy this beautiful day and enjoy your bees.
  6. K

    Some advice please - cbpv?

    Being a fanboy for Eric must be very rewarding. I find your smug air of superiority quite sad. You have no clue what I did with my bees, other than what I wrote, and yet you sit in judgement and imply I am a mediocre beekeeper. What exactly makes you the arbiter of good beekeeping? Hubris is...
  7. K

    Some advice please - cbpv?

    I did read the thread before posting and I am perfectly well aware of how serious an issue it is. I like to know the methodology before proceeding, especially when it comes to taking advice from random people on beekeeping forums. Your DO NOT SHAKE order was rammed home, but without any...
  8. K

    Some advice please - cbpv?

    That's a charming response to my post. You should be commended for your balanced, non-judgemental attitude. I'm sure you are the very apotheosis of a beekeeper and I hope everybody who reads your posts learns a great deal from every nugget of wisdom that issues forth from your venerable keyboard.
  9. K

    Some advice please - cbpv?

    I had three colonies with CPBV last year. I did some research and decided to shake out the bees of the one that was most severely affected and re-queen. I am not saying this was the right thing to do, but I was following the advice I was given. There are so many differing opinions in beekeeping...
  10. K

    Two queens question..

    Wowzer, that's amazing. I know it's standard to have two queens for a while after supercedure, but wanted to know how long they might both be in residence. I guess I will have to wait and see :)
  11. K

    Two queens question..

    I have my oldest colony in a long hive that I built a few years ago. The bees seem to love the long hive and have superceded a couple of times. I have never re-queened this particular colony, I just let them decide. On May 14th I noticed that there were two queens in residence, and assumed the...
  12. K

    How many jars of honey in a year?

    That's really impressive, your bees obviously love you
  13. K

    Another lost colony story

    I had a similar thing happen in my second year., all the dead bees were on the floor. My conclusion was damp.