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  1. Wingy

    New labels - good idea

    Just got these from Thorne bee supplies. I think they are a good idea. Any thoughts?
  2. Wingy

    Breeder Queens and genetic classification

    Help me out here. Is my understanding correct? If you buy a breeder Queen of known parentage both mother and drones then this is classed as F0 - right? So all its offspring will be F0 genetics ? Now if you produce queens from this am I correct in thinking the queens will again be F0, but if open...
  3. Wingy

    Combining colonies

    This season I’ve tried a new method of swarm control in order to keep my colony numbers down. It worked quite well and as such I’ve kept to 40 colonies going into winter. However some colonies ended up on treble brood and massive. I would like to get rid of about 7 or 8 with queens I don’t like...
  4. Wingy

    Swarm Comtrol - trying something a bit different

    So got to that stage now with 30 hives and have got to say enough is enough, but come swarm season before re-combining that number can seriously increase so here’s my plan and so far so good I thought I would share So hives shows sign of swarm preparation. - charged Queen cells 1) move the...
  5. Wingy

    Change in behaviour - aggressive

    Just wondering if anyone doing inspections over the last couple of days have noticed any change in their bees behaviour? Have seen some suggestions that the recent solar / geometric (northern lights) may have had some effect?? My situation:- Have 14 hives on one site and all are calm with no...
  6. Wingy

    Bees for hire? Looking for some advise

    Hi something new to me here so wondering if anyone is familiar with this system or can offer any advise costings, what to charge etc. So a person near where I live and keep my bees has approached our BBKA branch and I’ve been asked to contact them. Basically he said he was looking to hire up to...
  7. Wingy

    Warming cabinet heater

    Just looking for views / recommendations as to what everyone is using these days to heat their home made warming cabinets? I was using 2 x old style 40w filament bulbs but need to replace as they have now expired - tried a 1’ 45w greenhouse heater but couldn’t get the temperature above 18C. My...
  8. Wingy

    Swarm trap etiquette have I been good or bad?

    Ok so one of my out apiaries while doing last weeks inspection I had a walk around just observing what’s coming into bloom next etc. I then noticed a swarm trap about 40 metres from my hives set in a hedge line. Well all my queens at this site are clipped so they won’t be populating the swarm...
  9. Wingy

    Winter brood

    Inserted the inspection boards on my national long hive for a couple of days last week to monitor varroa and was surprised to see 13 seams of brood cappings when checked. Only a small amount of stores uncapped and bees still out at every opportunity. Hive is home made with sides at approx 60mm...
  10. Wingy

    Unseasonal behaviour

    After seeing a thread on here, think it was titled “spring flow?” I thought I’d post these pictures taken 2/11/22 north Manchester area. Strawberries flowering & fruiting / bumblebee foraging on honeysuckle Thought it would be good to see other examples from around the country so please post...
  11. Wingy

    Do honey bees learn behaviour ?

    Reason I ask is from my observations this season with 2 quite nasty hives. I put some nasty colonies out on 2 farms this season for the OSR, with the intention of re queening and to keep them out of the way of people. So did well on the OSR, re queening was a disaster (another story) but every...
  12. Wingy


    Extracted a few more frames from the garden hives yesterday morning, ran it through my double strainer and into a 30 litre settling tank which it filled, well pleased, lid on and left it on my bench in the garage ready to jar up in a couple of weeks. This morning went in the garage for some kit...
  13. Wingy

    2nd’s quality equipment

    Well eventually got all my delivery from the Maismore sale (nothing to do with Maismore by the way. DPD split it into multiple loads) Anyway just wondering if anyone else has noticed a drop in quality or have I just been unlucky? Ok I know it’s 2nd’s and I wasn’t expecting top craftsmanship with...
  14. Wingy

    Does common sense still exist?

    My wife keeps saying I’m too critical and should chill out but lack of common sense really Winds me up. So Maismore sale came along and I went a bit mad. Today got my “DPD will deliver” notice. Van turns up and I met the driver at the door with the first large box. Chit chat established there...
  15. Wingy

    A first for me - any thoughts please

    4 weeks ago I collected a swarm into a brood box and set it to one side as a hive. Checked in a couple of days later and established it was in fact a cast swarm covering 4 frames, drawing out comb. Put it into a 6 frame Langstroth Nuc and left it alone. Checked in today saw a lovely Queen BIAS +...
  16. Wingy

    Newspaper unite Fail

    Gutted to say the least & lost a very nice Queen. So nasty hive, brood, QX, super. I caged the Queen, went back a week later. Shook bees off every frame & destroyed all Queen cells. Went back a week after that, removed the Queen still in the cage. Shook bees off every frame no Queen cells no...
  17. Wingy

    What’s the best way to re Queen & unite colonies?

    Ok so here is the situation: I have a few very nasty colonies which I have been lucky enough to be able to put them out of the way on a couple of farms presently on the OSR and mostly double brood with 3 supers. I have my lovely calm bees at 2 other apiaries and plan to unite the nice colonies &...
  18. Wingy

    Incubator humidity

    Just wondering what humidity people run their incubators at please. Just done my first grafts and 4 Q’s emerged but appear a bit wet when I just put them on the mini mating Nucs. My set up is home made and holding temperature at 34.5 - 35.5 celsius with varying humidity of 75 - 80. I can lower...
  19. Wingy

    Swarm crazy

    Is it just mine or are others experiencing the same. This week every single hive has thrown up charged Queen cells. I’ve been run ragged & juggling kit all over the place. Supers filling nicely but nothing capped off in any great quantity yet. Even the 7 colonies on the OSR. They seem to be...
  20. Wingy

    Sold 6 frame National Nucs

    2021 marked Q in 6 frame National Maismore Nuc complete with feeder History - 2019 Buckfast Q, open mated, took 2 Q’s of her 2020 both did exceptionally well and a pleasure to work with. Lost 2019 Q so in 2021 took a number of Q’s from her daughters. All did very well. Over wintered 7 in Nucs...