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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. W

    Thornes Are Robber Bee's

    In my experience they don't deliver in 48hrs, I order some stuff over a week ago and not received it yet, also ordered some extraction equipment from another supplier at the begining of may and they took two and a half weeks to deliver, so I think they are all the same. P.S. the other supplier...
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    Double Brood

    I got my bees this time last year and was told by the person I got them off, too double brood and I would have two hives going into winter. However to be honest I felt they never expanded enough to fill two brood boxes in the first year. In fact when I thought about putting a super on to get...
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    Splitting a Hive

    I was told to try splitting the hive towards the end of May. It is a 2009 Queen is the current hive so hopefully they should not be too eager to swarm this year! Andrew
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    Splitting a Hive

    I got a nuc of bees last year and they seem to have come through the winter OK, in fact lots of activity outside the hive this morning with plenty of pollen coming in. My question is I want a second hive this year it has been susgest to me to move my original hive a couple of meters to the side...
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    Spring wasp

    I've seen a few already this year in the house!! but think they were up the chimney and me lighting a fire woke it up !!
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    To have landing boards or not?

    Landing boards I extended my landing board as the bees seemed to be having trouble when returning with pollen landing on the short landing board that came with the hive especially as part the the original board had a shelter to keep the rain drops off.
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    High Peak - Derbyshire - Mentor wanted - please!

    I'm down the road in Macclesfield and got my first hive earlier this year so still a newbee, but if you need somebody to bounce ideas off give us a shout.
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    Is it me?

    I noticed a story a couple of weeks back on the internet about somebody getting stung by wasps, but the picture they used with the story was of honey bees!!!!!!!!:toetap05: I was also taking to somebody last week (who I thought was resonably intelligent) about bee keeping and they thought i was...
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    Long term hive moving projects

    Moving hives Have come to the same conclusion as yourself. I too put my new hive under the slight shade of a tree as the other option was to put it in direct sun light, which i thought would be too hot. Went to inspect the hive a week ago with the possible option of adding a super to try and...
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    landing platform

    Landing platform I am extending the landing platform on my wbc hive as the hive has a piece of wood sticking out over the entrance to keep rain and water off the landing platform and hive entrance (well that's what I was told it was for), but it would seem the bees are having trouble landing...
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    Late June gap & Bracken Spraying

    When I checked my hive yesterday all the food reserves in the brrod box had been used, so gave then 2 litres of sugar/syrup solution today. also may explain why there were some bees on the floor outside the hive recently that seemed unable to fly back in. The point of checking yesterday was to...
  12. W

    Please stop sending me swarms bee neighbour!

    Bait Hive As a newbee, how would one go about making a bait hive?:confused: What would it consist of, drawn foundation, swarm lure, etc ? and where in relation to existing hive would be the best place to locate it? thanks in advance :cheers2:
  13. W

    One or 1&1/2 brood

    I'm in a simular position in that my nuc is expanding nicely to fill the brood box and I'm wondering if i should add another brood box on top to build up a strong colony ready for next year. Then in spring next year take the second brood box and start a second hive with it to double my number of...
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    This weekend I noticed a wasp seemed to be attacking the bees as they left the hive and then having a fight with them in front of the hive. They didn't seem to have any interest in entering the hive!
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    I noticed a few wasps round my hive last night and a couple of my bees in fights with them, but everything seemed to be under control.:boxing_smiley: I put the entrance blocks back onto to reduce the entrance a bit as I've only had the bees just over two weeks and at the inspection last sunday...
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    Early days

    I thought a queen cup and supersedure cell were the same thing? It was in the top part of the frame and did have a larva in the bottom (serveral days old by the looks of it).
  17. W

    Early days

    Got my bees two weeks ago, collected them in a national/traveling box. Got them home and put them on a WBC base at the bottom of the garden, left them sealed in the box for an hour to settle. Pealed off the tape to let them out, they started to venture out straight away, I notice one bee...
  18. W

    Lots of activity after the rain

    It rained most of the day here on friday, then when it brighten up at about 6ish there were loads of my bees entering and leaving the hive. About thirty to 40 in the air trying to enter the hive and they seemed to be queuing up on the landing board to leave the hive. They did the same last...