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  1. merylvingien

    Frames for cut out

    You dont actually use a hoover to suck the bees up. You use a bee vac along side a hoover, the suction is vastly reduced and they do not get damaged as it is a smooth bore pipe.
  2. merylvingien

    Frames for cut out

    I think e means hoover as in dyson :D
  3. merylvingien

    How often do you look

    under the brood box floor? Ive had some fun and games over the last couple of weeks with one of my lot. Were they queenless or not? test frame in and no queen cells, but no eggs are what have you. Anyway, to cut a long story short, today i revisited to make certain that i couldnt see a queen...
  4. merylvingien

    Frames for cut out

    :D i rekon 789 if your trying to be precise lol
  5. merylvingien

    Help appreciated please !!

    If you manage to retrieve this colony in the manner that you plan too and they are a "hot hive" you may want to start thinking in terms of requeening as soon as possible. Personaly i wouldnt bother if they are that bad. The bees are always nicer on the other side of the fence :D
  6. merylvingien

    What to do with an aggresive hive

    mandabow, with all due respect, if i were you i would stop digging that gurt big hole, cause sooner or later your gonna need help getting out of it. :D
  7. merylvingien

    What to do with an aggresive hive

    Sam, step aside please sir as i beleive this is my area of expertise :D I would advise that you buy in a new queen from reliable stock. The chances of rearing a gooden with aggresive drones floating about is chance. knock all queen cells out a day or two before new queen arrives, then check...
  8. merylvingien

    First GCSE exam tomorrow.

    Blimey, i didnt realise that there were such younglings on the site that were actually interested in bees... Thought it was an old farts hobby or for those weird eccentric old men with long beards which smoke a pipe and drink some gawd afwul beer concotion down the pub LOL Anyway, just tipe it...
  9. merylvingien

    OOOooo...need to requeen but bees sooo angry!

    Having had some "experience" of dealing with such critters, the main thing to consider is your own saftey. Go in "suited and booted". Once you are comfortable that they cannot get you no matter what you will be able to concentrate on the task at hand and not worry about being jabbed all the...
  10. merylvingien

    is is worth the time/effort??

    Hi beesleybees, not trying to put a dampner on your ideas, but if you need to ask the question, i would at a guess say that for you it isnt worth the time or effort IF your just looking to save a few quid and have limited tools. To make your supers from ply your gonna need a router or be fairly...
  11. merylvingien

    Remaining bees after swarm collected

    Err i thought bees minds were wiped when they swarmed? I have always believed that the few left behinds perished over the next few days.
  12. merylvingien

    No one could be found!!!

    Thats exactly what i am doing. I havent put any wax at the top of the empty frames, it doesnt appear to make any difference. I am using commercial brood boxes, so the frames are fairly large. Only concern is lack of wire reinforcement. But if i handle with care i think it will be ok. My main...
  13. merylvingien

    Walking a small swarm into a hive (for those that havent seen it)

    I did, actually it was just parts of other prototype hives that i messed about with last year, but it does the job!
  14. merylvingien

    Bee's in a log (HELP)

    Cant you cut into the tree to expose the comb? I mean if the tree is already down, it shouldnt be much of a problem getting access to them. Bee suit and chainsaw job. If you go steady, you should be able to remove the combs and cut them into frames.
  15. merylvingien

    Walking a small swarm into a hive (for those that havent seen it)

    The mini swarm i collected last weekend was filmed as usual as they were walked into the hive. I find this a more natural way of getting them "in" and havent yet had a swarm abscond on me.
  16. merylvingien

    Bee cut out info needed

    If your going to use a normal vaccum cleaner i would think again. Its not the suction power that kills them, but the ribbed hose on a normal hoover. You need a smooth bore pipe, bit like a water flume at one of those of fancy swimming pools. Imagine riding the rapids with a ribbed tube? Your...
  17. merylvingien

    No one could be found!!!

    I picked up a tiny weeny swarm last weekend, took a quick peek today and they are going great guns, one frame of foundation drawn with eggs, 3/4 of an empty frame drawn with natural comb and another side of foundation starting to be drawn, which condidering the size of the swarm is pretty...
  18. merylvingien

    No one could be found!!!

    Well bugger my old boots, i picked up a chuffing great swarm yesterday evening, and with only one spare brood box left i decided that these were to be given away. This morning phoning around to find a suitable home, no one was in or phone numbers could not be found. It got to 11.30 and i thought...
  19. merylvingien

    What I have done.

    I cant see anything wrong in importing queens if they produce a better calmer colony, after dealing with my dark bad tempered ***** for too long, i have ordered 3 NZ queens on the basis that they are much calmer. We shall see. Hopefully next year i will be brave enough to have a stab at some...
  20. merylvingien

    Collected another Swarm today,,,

    Where are the photos or and video???