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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Heather

    Asian hornets in the UK. A chance of stopping them?

    First Asian Hornet Queen this year spotted flying in Jersey. Think going to be a tricky year for the UK.
  2. Heather

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Topped up some fondant on lighter hives and checked all entrances were clear..All looking good.
  3. Heather

    icing sugar

    Otherwise she is a good beekeeper, done all the exams going, and more knowledgeable than me .. maybe can persuade this person to treat less often, because I just do an Oxalic treatment in Dec and my bees seem fine. By the way am trying the new gasvap equipment this year.. seems fine and I don't...
  4. Heather

    icing sugar

    I know, and will proceed to check, but may cause ructions and I like a quiet life.. but need to protect ourselves legally too :rules:.. Bloody bee keepers!!:hairpull: But your replies give me confidence to crack on. thanks
  5. Heather

    icing sugar

    Agree, but we have a member advocating it and using excessive amounts but selling the honey and I am concerned.
  6. Heather

    Asian hornets in the UK. A chance of stopping them?

    Brighton & Lewes are holding a disease day in April. 3 bee inspectors teaching. Going to be so informative as I personally have never witnessed EFB or AFB frames and they will have samples there. Using an insect proof room and lots of disposal equipment to be binned after any handling so very...
  7. Heather

    icing sugar

    What are your thoughts on icing sugar dusting to remove varroa. I am concerned about the bees taking up to pollute the honey quality.
  8. Heather

    now what

    As they were getting very crowded in the Nuc I have trimmed and tied them into National frames and transferred to a National hive. 4 frames brood, stores galore, now more foundation to draw. But going to use the Nuc again early next year for queen rearing as so easy to slice eggs off to wax...
  9. Heather

    Be prepared.

    I am having to move my hives from home to another site (husband on medication after transplant 21 yrs ago, but bees chase and attack him -think he exudes medication smell they don't like) But hopefully landed on my feet as had offer of land 3 miles away. part of a 250 acre estate, and they have...
  10. Heather

    now what

    Small enough to presume cast, on 2 frames originally, but now on all five, with 4 frames brood:hairpull:. Was also given a full sized top bar ( I never refuse gifts :welcome::thanks:) and that also now has a nice colony in.. but slower than this Nuc.. At this apiary I have 2 WBC and 8...
  11. Heather

    now what

    Was given a Nuc top bar, so popped a cast swarm into it, and 4 weeks later it is filling fast, loads of brood and stores. What do I do with it now???
  12. Heather

    queen control

    I have been told that a number of queen cells in a colony can be controlled not to emerge by the workers. This does seem to be evident as, if I harvest some that are sealed, they can all emerge within a few minutes of being apart from the colony. I have asked experienced ,even Master beekeepers...
  13. Heather

    British Bred Queens or Imported Queens - peoples choice?

    I just enjoy breeding queens from my best hive, bringing them on in an apidea, and then seeing them blossom into good queens. People know I have queens spare so I do get urgent phone calls. I am happy to help out and give them a mated or virgin ( whichever is available at the time). I don't...
  14. Heather


    Came off tray fine, but go soft quite quickly.. Fine to eat asap, but need for a competition too. Are they supposed to be bendy?
  15. Heather


    Ah, but Husband snaffled all Welsh and reckons he overrules sons :judge:
  16. Heather


    Have to say Mintmoth came out most popular with the Welsh contingent a close second. Thanks all..but ruined my diet as I had to try all, and they were delicious.
  17. Heather


    Still cooking, and waiting for 2 sons to came and adjudicate. Thanks all. will let you know the result.
  18. Heather

    Hive debris help

    How long was the inspection tray under the hive?. It is only an inspection tray and I usually leave under for max 4 days for varroa assessment. If been there a while, then , yes wasps been killing bees.
  19. Heather


    Thank you, love this forum, people are so helpful. :winner1st: Off to bake both recipes, my lads can be the judges initially
  20. Heather


    I would appreciate a winning recipe for honey biscuits. Thanks.