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  1. Heather

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    having a day time.. sitting watching my mason bees use the 'cane house' . so here's a question. Why do some go in head first and then a few seconds later come out and re-enter in reverse.
  2. Heather

    Top bar

    Help.. I was given a top bar hive last year.. Put in a few prepared frames and the rest blank to total 20 . Popped a prime swarm in last June.. Just checked regularly via the side window, treated for varroa in December and now they are getting big! 14 frames beautifully extended down and out...
  3. Heather

    Drone comb question

    Good question, and good answer. Yes, some bee keepers use drone foundation in supers to get a slight increase in honey stores, but I always put one shallow frame in a brood box, between others, for the bees to draw down to the floor their own frame of wax. They usually make this drone size. a)...
  4. Heather

    No answer required, it's just that...

    And like lots of things in bee keeping, sometimes tricky to understand.. till you have seen demonstrated.. then crystal clear.. and after doing for yourself.. SORTED! Well done..
  5. Heather

    Do you provide drinking water for your bees?

    I have streams, lakes and small waterfall near apiaries... but once accidentally left a flower arrangement oasis sponge near one lot.. they ignored all other sources and about 20 bees at a time were sucking the water from this.. And once had great photo of bees lined up either side of my garden...
  6. Heather

    Early inspections

    Had a lovely warm week, bees flying and bringing in.. so grabbed the opportunity and went through all 17.. 2 were small, needed transferring to a Nuc to give brood better chance of warmth as they build, with syrup feed..Maybe queen slow, but the small brood pattern was good, so ever hopeful...
  7. Heather

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Washed the office curtains as it is cold, windy.. and April long range is showing more of the same!
  8. Heather

    Holes in supers

    Oh Manek, of course those bees would fill the holes..but if you are in frame making mood..... just leave some at the apiary! :welcome:
  9. Heather

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    14d in sunshine in Sussex..bees piling out Checked most, only 1 struggling so I gave it clean frames , with stores and pollen patty, shovelled out all dead, and popped in a polynuc as queen still there.I know some would have shaken them out, but I like to give them a chance.The frames were...
  10. Heather

    Got my first call-out this year

    i will always rescue colonies out of such places. Isolate for a while to ensure healthy, but had some very strong lovely bees. I hate to kill colonies just because they have decided to go into cavities of barns, sheds etc.
  11. Heather

    Got my first call-out this year

    She is a bee keeper! Whether she wants to be or not! cannot get out of soffits easily. they dont like you ripping bits off the property
  12. Heather

    Quick questions quick answers

    'You pay for smoker fuel' Yes, cos I cannot get stuff to stay alight, and prob only used a smoker 3 times in a year so not expensive.. this stuff smokes++! Other stuff keeps going out and my temper is hotter!
  13. Heather

    Asian Hornet

    May I ask what all your Assoc/Div across the country are doing to inform Joe Public about this incoming AH? Do you have AHAT teams starting up and what action are they specifically taking? We are distributing posters where possible, - libraries, garden centres etc but may be missing an...
  14. Heather

    Quick questions quick answers

    Cotton smoker fuel from 'Bee- equipment' Stays lit for ages..
  15. Heather

    Asian hornets in the UK. A chance of stopping them?

    May I ask what all your Assoc/Div across the country are doing to inform Joe Public about this incoming AH? Do you have AHAT teams starting up and what action are they specifically taking? We are distributing posters where possible, - libraries, garden centres etc but may be missing an...
  16. Heather

    Useful tools/accessories

    A clump of leafy hedge to brush bees off frames..hate the bee brush as bees get stuck in and they get miffed and over door hangers.. great thought for when grafting too
  17. Heather

    Asian hornets in the UK. A chance of stopping them?

    AH in Jersey was disturbed from hibernation..but we must expect some here this year. Am setting up Trappit traps. With prawns in them in August!!!
  18. Heather

    Advice on moving double broods.

    My husband made me a sedan type carrier with a centre piece to support a National size box. Two to lift, but it spreads the weight and two can carry easily.
  19. Heather

    Asian hornets in the UK. A chance of stopping them?

    Will be binned into black bag, which I will put into a second black bag before I bring home to burn. Plus I have a cardboard box to put those bags into before it goes in my car. My bees will be safe. :rules: And A Hornet, they didn't say.. just had the message from my Jersey contact, but have...
  20. Heather

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    My bees on cherry prunus, as 10c here and most hives venturing forth. Interesting the different behaviours, as the quieter ones are fine and thriving, just waiting for more warmth.. southern softies.