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    do honey bees work elderfower? looked at some yesterday and couldnt see any working it.
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    Late rape honey extraction

    if you leave the supers in the car that could be warm enough or even the greenhouse.
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    mating flights

    how long have the queens been emerged? it could be upto 3 weeks to get mated with bad weather, in rare cases maybe longer.
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    foundation question

    i use unwired in supers, not had any collapse in the extractor, so far
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    Two Queens - didn't think it possible until yesterday?

    had 2 hives with the same this year never seen it before, i did same nipped the old queen
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    swarm from an apidea

    went to retrive some queens from my apideas, on one frame a well developed, capped, queen cell and yes couldn't find any trace of a queen, no eggs but sealed brood. my only thought was has she swarmed, try to find that in an orchard with 120 trees!! anyone else known of a similar experience?
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    how to incourage bees to draw out foundation

    put one or two already drawn out frames in the middle of the super, if you have any, they will then go up much quicker, they seem reluctant to draw a new box full of foundation out
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    Super frames

    in use 10 x SN1's frames with castelations, just one packet of foundation fills the box, some go for 9 frames per box. you choose.
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    Clearer boards made cheap.

    dont bother with porter bee escapes more hassle than they are worth, just look at the home made versions
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    Commercial v's Hobby

    i run double national brood chambers, look at the top frames if no Q cells present, split the double brood look underneath the top box for q cells hanging down and on the top bars of the bottom brood box , 3 mins done and dusted, usually!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Where to put the new super?

    i always put mine on top of the brood box so i can easily take off the full supers when ready
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    What gloves?

    get a bucket of cold water and washing soda with you all the time, as close to you as possible. Keep your hive tool in it permantley to remove propolis and it keeps it sterile. Use marrigolds, if you get a sting, scrap out the sting, and dip and wash your hands with marrigilds still on into the...
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    Bees clustering under mesh floor

    i find that sometimes the bees miss the entrance and gather under the mesh, place a board from the ground to under the entrance so they have to go up and into the hive usually works
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    my mistake!

    its a bar with cells cups on with eggs in, and you put this in a semi queen less hive so the bees draw the eggs out into queens.
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    my mistake!

    went into the bees to check on queen cells, took off those with eggs and larva in, following day noticed a swarm emitting from the hive, so i thought well ok, occassionally you can miss one, so hived the swarm, gave it week to see if i could find the opened queen cell. oh dear!!! by the way i am...
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    Is hawthorn a good source of pollen and nectar?

    i have several hawthorn trees in the apiary, currently full of blossom, 10 large hives 14x12 and others on double brood plus 205 frame nucs, saw a coulpe of bees on the trees, 1,000's of bees going elsewhere! so i suspect not as good as i would have hoped.
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    Swarm not taking to hive

    have you got a drawn out frame or old frame with used comb on, usually stay then, although i hived a swarm 4 times, once each day and on the fith day they buggered off!!!
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    Anybody taken any honey yet?

    took feeders off last week, says it all, my friend, kept bees for over 70 years, said he has never known a year like it.
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    looking to get in to beekeeping!

    there is a Ripon and Harrogate assoc, or Ryedale or Malton all near to yourself, google yorkshire beekeepers association for the regional contact, who could help, i am in the malton Assoc but thats maybe too far for you to travel. any horses close by?
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    Country file stat casually thrown out..

    i dont know the numbers, but senior schools and agricultural colleges often taught bee keeping, how many do now? and was there an increase of beekeepers in the war? which may account for the numbers way back then