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  1. garethbryson

    First Inspectoin of MY OWN bees

    I have just had the real pleasure of doing the first inspection on my first hive since i moved them from the nuc into the national brood box last wednesday. I didnt look for the queen last week as i was just trying to move them as quick as possalbe to reduce stress. (New box, new surroundings)...
  2. garethbryson

    Get Yourself An Epipen.

    I'm sorry to hear that but as you say, Better safe than sorry..
  3. garethbryson

    So I guess its a what would you do now question...

    Thats what i was thinking too. If you hed no queen and there was more QC every time you looked. That would lead me to believe that the latter QC's would not be up to much as they would have been drawn from eggs that were too old??
  4. garethbryson

    Queen sellers

    Thanks PH, I'll have a look into that, I "SHOULD" be ok this year if the other people are to be believed, its next year that the fun will start. One girl lives on Rathlin island off the north west coast. she got 2 nucs in 2008 and is now up to 14 hives!!!!!!. they just keep swarming and then the...
  5. garethbryson

    Queen sellers

    Buckfast queen??? I have got my first nuc this year from a man that always supplys to the students of the preliminary course here in Northern Ireland. His bees however have been proven to be very very swarmy. I was thinking of requeening with a buckfast queen does anybody know where i could get...
  6. garethbryson

    Beekeeping Gloves

    I use disposable latex gloves over the marigolds. then i just bin them after every inspection and it keeps the marigolds clean.. I'm fortunate though because i work for DARD(the DEFRA equivilent in N Ireland) so i get the latex gloves for free..:cheers2:
  7. garethbryson

    Help,are my bees going to swarm.

    what am i looking for?? lol
  8. garethbryson

    Help,are my bees going to swarm.

    Did you not say that one of the cells was capped??? could they have swarmed already?????
  9. garethbryson

    Beekeeping Assessment

    I did the preliminary course this spring and really enjoyed it. Its pretty straight forward. I'd recommend it to anybody..
  10. garethbryson


    I would say that would be a BIG coincidence!!! I dont think feeding has anything to do with it, or could!!!
  11. garethbryson

    don't try this at home kids

    I think they spray queen pheromone onto themselves to do that sort of thng. There was a documentary on recently about swarms. There was a man that had covered himself in pheromone and was like a walking swarm.
  12. garethbryson


    I know that in england they only have TB tests done in cattle herds every other year(Unless there is confirmed TB in the area) Some places its only every 5 years. I think this might have something to do with it. In northern ireland we have annual herd tests irregardless or wether there is...
  13. garethbryson

    When to transfer a nuc!?!?!?

    Bee's now transfered from nuc into national hive last night. Today there's alot of activity at the hive. bee's coming and going. seems to be alot of pollen going in aswell as bee's with no pollen who i presume are bringing in nectar. I'll have a look in a weeks time and hopefully i'll find alot...
  14. garethbryson


    Just to add to my last post. The company we supply milk to takes a sample of our milk EVERY DAY that gets tested for antibiotics(among other things) so all meat and milk withdrawal periods have to be adhered to, We are not an organic farm.
  15. garethbryson


    Once again it seems that you dont know what your talking about bacause I think you'll find that the withdrawel period of antibiotics has to be adhered to by all farmers, not just organic farmers. There is tests done at all slaughterhouses and and positives are dumped, the farmer gets taken to...
  16. garethbryson


    You obviously know F**k all about farming Firstly. TB tests are carried out on all farms annually here in northern ireland, Postive animals are taken and slaughtered immediatly. So if this is happening and the TB is then being spread back into the herds, can you tell me how its getting...
  17. garethbryson

    When to transfer a nuc!?!?!?

    its started to get a bit breezy, would i be better to leave them alone tonight??
  18. garethbryson

    When to transfer a nuc!?!?!?

    I collected a nuc last night and they have been very busy all day coming and going, i cant see any pollen going in so i surmise they are bringing in nectar. I haven't been in the box yet so i dont know how much brood is in there but i was told that they are quite well established. My consearn is...
  19. garethbryson


    Go and buy yourself a good 1million candle light torch and a good .243 centre fire rifle. AND you will have no more bother with the badgers!!!:rofl: I am only joking of course (its a against the law):blush5:
  20. garethbryson

    Simon Snorkel?

    Then you'll need a glass hammer to assemble the sky hook..