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  1. BeeJayBee

    Keeping bees in yoru garden

    Sorry, but that's nonsense, and it depends entirely on the size and location of the garden. Not all beekeepers live in London, and not all beekeepers have small gardens.
  2. BeeJayBee

    Serious advice appreciated

    Fair enough, and it's a good way to store equipment. Saves carrying it in the car! If you do decide to go ahead it might be a good idea to let the bees have access to the supers. There's nectar coming in and they've nowhere to store it so they could end up absconding due to lack of space.
  3. BeeJayBee

    Serious advice appreciated

    If the other beekeeper did put Apiguard on with the supers etc, as well as feeding them syrup, then they've spoiled your honey crop.
  4. BeeJayBee

    AFB again

    The standstill order still applies, until it's been lifted by SBI.
  5. BeeJayBee

    Keeping swarms just breeds swarmy bees (?)

    Congratulations! After this you'll end up being a Queen Bee! Did you by any chance also ask these beekeepers what type of hives they were using? In my area all new beekeepers were told to get standard national hives and then buy Carniolans because they are 'gentle' (good for beginners), but...
  6. BeeJayBee

    What happens if frames are mounted vertically?

    I recently saw some comb that had been taken out of a fallen tree. The comb had ended up horizontal and the bees just carried on using it as it was, they didn't seem to have made any attempt to build any new comb vertically. It was quite a big colony too, so no lack of workers to make adjustments.
  7. BeeJayBee

    Birds eating my bees.

    The bird population on our garden has benefitted from our bees, we now have more robins, great tits and blackbirds than we had before keeping bees. We've seen them catch bees in flight and pick up dead ones from beneath the hives, but the bees don't seem to attack so obviously aren't too...
  8. BeeJayBee

    Cathedral stone carving

    That's a beautiful carving. Wooton St Lawrence Parish Church in Hampshire has a beautiful double stained glass window dedicated to Charles Butler who wrote the book "The Feminine Monarchie". The window was dedicated in 1953 to coincide with Queen Elizabeth II Coronation...
  9. BeeJayBee

    Just received this link from a friend

    Thanks for that GJ, even though it's bad news for any beekeepers on Alderney. Is it likely, do you think, that the insect could have been blown over from the Cherbourg peninsular or would it have had to hitch a lift on a boat?
  10. BeeJayBee


    Every beekeeper needs a mentor, bee buddy, or beekeeping friend because no beekeeper will have seen everything and there'll always be something new to talk about and to work out what to do.
  11. BeeJayBee

    Honey Gone Solid

    Oh dear, so did I! :redface: :laughing-smiley-004
  12. BeeJayBee

    BBC breakfast

    I use the same equipment on every hive I inspect in an apiary and sometimes transfer hive parts from hive to hive, but then I know how to recognise both EFB and AFB. If I were to see the symptoms I would reduce the hive's entrance, drop the hive tool in the bucket of washing soda, phone the SBI...
  13. BeeJayBee

    Dying Bees

    Just to add, and to try not to mess up the comments about CBPV, Nosema apis is often linked with splattering but Nosema ceranae isn't.
  14. BeeJayBee


    I use front and back labels, with all the required stuff on the back. I put batch number and best before on a little sticker that goes in between the two, on the side of the jar.
  15. BeeJayBee

    Old comb

    Less so at this time of year, because they don't need drones. Foundation placed in a colony from about August will end up almost completely worker.
  16. BeeJayBee

    LimeWatch UK

    It doesn't make very nice honey.
  17. BeeJayBee

    swarm collecting

    Treatment for an average colony with EFB is a shook swarm, which means the bees have to start all over again drawing comb and raising new brood. A swarm does exactly this, and it's one reason why a swarm shouldn't be fed for the first three days because they lock any transferable disease carried...
  18. BeeJayBee

    Old comb

    7 frames of brood, because when the adult bees emerge from the cells they take up 3x more space than when they're in their cells.
  19. BeeJayBee

    LimeWatch UK

    There are about a dozen mature (oldish) limes within sight of my main apiary, they're full of open flowers but no sight or sound of any bees on any of them. About half a mile away there is what was probably a posh driveway lined with twenty or more limes that now leads into a housing estate, but...
  20. BeeJayBee

    swarm collecting

    It's down to pure chance that this number of people weren't answering their phones at the time you were trying to call them, because not all of them will have been at the Detling show ground. People work, so do shopping and have family time at the weekend, why would you expect anybody to be...