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  1. Cussword

    Things to be doing this time of year?

    Oh dear. :rolleyes:
  2. Cussword

    Cutting Off a Queens Mandibles

    :laughing-smiley-004 Hopefully
  3. Cussword

    Cutting Off a Queens Mandibles

    Possibly :laughing-smiley-014
  4. Cussword

    Cutting Off a Queens Mandibles

    The last words in the article are;" Why not try it next season and let us know how you get on" As it was in our magazine I would say, yes. The article was written by Tony Harris NDB, Scottish Expert Beemaster, Moray. Under The Heading; Multiple Queen Colonies. .
  5. Cussword

    Cutting Off a Queens Mandibles

    The above topic was in the September BBKA news, pages 313-314. You can have two queens in one hive. (Not mother and daughter.) I have read about this previously somewhere on this forum. One of our members resigned because he said that the BBKA was promoting this practice. What do you think?
  6. Cussword

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Oh yes, SWMBO went loopy about the smell last year. Still have plenty for this year so no problem. :sifone:
  7. Cussword

    Winter bees

  8. Cussword

    A Few Rats

    You have a really calm dog,( in the reflection), if mine was that near a chicken the house would be wrecked. Town dog.:D
  9. Cussword

    Things to be doing this time of year?

    Simply put, yes yes, and yes. :)
  10. Cussword

    Winter bees

    Sister in Law has one. It's dappled, and bossy..:toetap05:
  11. Cussword

    Winter bees

    No, a Dachshund...:laughing-smiley-004
  12. Cussword

    Getting Stung

    Don't give it up, Take Gaviscon after breakfast. Helps me. :D .
  13. Cussword

    Autumn/Winter treament

    It's like a mantra. :laughing-smiley-004 Should be a sticky; Oxalic Acid Sublimation, Three, Five days apart. :D .
  14. Cussword

    Autumn/Winter treament

    I know. Sorry I didn't make that point clearer for you. I mean you no offence. .
  15. Cussword

    Air freshener convert

    Used it in a spray to introduce a queen.
  16. Cussword

    Autumn/Winter treament

    I now only use thymol for putting in the syrup ie Hivemaker's? I would just stick to Oxalic :)
  17. Cussword

    Drone brood, early sept.

    It probably is. Do as you said in your last post, feed then leave them be. .
  18. Cussword

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Yep, same thing happened to me. I meant that the tape would be necessary at first. ;)
  19. Cussword

    Alternative hive roof material??

    Good point, but you adapt. Poly hives a good example. As for brambles, keep your apiary clear. :D