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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. S

    Bringing Pollen

    Quite so I didnt say I would be removing the insulation yet. I probably wont do so till till the end of March and may indeed leave them on all year.
  2. S

    Beekeeping Tips Please add to these

    Some of us will soon be making up new frames and waxing them for Bailey changes in the near future, if you wish to avoid propolising of these frames smear some petrolium jelly on the faces of your hoffman frames and on the the runners in the hives avoid getting it on the frames lugs directly. PS...
  3. S

    Bringing Pollen

    All my hive(16) are busy this week past bringing in pollen from crocus, Hazel, mahonia and I suspect Willow but cant be sure even today when the temperture is currently 11c they are out in their hundreds, also bringing in water almost definately to dilute crystalized supplies. So far I have...
  4. S

    Mann Lake rebirth Bee-Equipment

    Just received a brochure from Bee Equipement who look to be the old staff from Mannlake as they are using the same telephone number for them. Some very respectable prices in there if any ones interested. Good luck to them we need competition and it helps if people know the industry.
  5. S

    Beekeeper on trial - treatments

    In this case the beekeeper was using an unapprooved vetrinary medicine an antibiotic terramycin which really should have been introduced to the food chain as it will reduce its effectiveness elsewhere. The worry will be that if he is convicted this might establish a case law precedent that can...
  6. S

    Insulation in hives

    You missed the point I was relating the worth of the presentaion if you look closely on the board nearly everything discussed has been raised before and again and again. New members will not always be aware of past postings.
  7. S

    Insulation in hives

    The point was I wasnt presenting an argument I was just synopsising the contents of what was a very informative presentation that didnt require snide comments
  8. S

    Insulation in hives

    sorry that link doesnt seem to work
  9. S

    Insulation in hives

    And you've been on this forum how long?.. looks like longer than you but perhaps I have other things to do other than sit and post inane reples
  10. S

    Insulation in hives

    Had an interesting presentation last week from Derek Mitchell on insulation. The basis was that we should consider bees in there natural home ie a hole in a tree. He then established the coefficient of the heat loss through an average thickness of a tree if there is such a thing exists and...
  11. S

    New nucleus...urgent help please!

    Almost certainly ivy nectar which unfortunately sets like concrete they will consume it over winter but will involve them in extra water flights to dilute and liquify set honey
  12. S

    Hive Insulation - October BBKA News

    If you have solid floors there is every need to get rid of condensation in the hives hence the matchsticks under the crown boards. The cold will kill but the cold an damp will do it a lot quicker.
  13. S

    Jelly honey

    Quite probably heather honey, this is thixanthropic and agitation will turn it to a liquid before it will revert back to a gell. as your in Stafford I presume there is some heather on Cannock chase and surrounding areas
  14. S

    Ivy Watch

    Ragwort is poisonous and not at all what you want in your hives or honey
  15. S

    Transfering a colony

    Even if they are doing well they will need space for stores so transfer them straght away ideally siteing them in the same location and start winter fedding if you have not already started
  16. S

    Full of stores frame weights?

    commercial brood frames will nearly all be spaced as per the hofman shoulders on the frame sides and will be 11 frames per brood box and can weigh between 6.5 to 7.5 lbs when full
  17. S

    High moisture honey

    I beleive that if the honey is as you suspect Heather honey then it is quite acceptable to jar it with a water content of 22-23%
  18. S

    Best price for sugar

    Costco 25kg bags @£9.56 ie 38p per kg
  19. S

    Brood boxes full of honey

    Why not try your society they probably have an extractor they will hire out that will cope with brood frames. Hang on to the extracted frames once you have given them back wet to the bees and your a step ahead with your Bailey transfer next year.
  20. S

    Drone Laying Queen?

    Contact your supplier explain the situation and see whether he/she is willing to replace her