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  1. tkwinston4

    Advice please

    I don't think they are scouts, she said there were 40 at least in the room before she opened the windows and a steady stream going in and out throughout the day yesterday. I am defo not insured apart from basic BBKA insurance and don't want to do any smoking or building work and the thought of...
  2. tkwinston4

    Advice please

    Hi all, I am after a bit of advice. I was called out yesterday to a house that have bees in the roof of their garage/annex. I have attached a couple of photos that I took of where they are and to be honest I am not sure they are worth the bother because it will require a bit of work to take...
  3. tkwinston4

    Spider identification please?

    Mosquito - maybe you could be right. I have found a few in our garden/garage over the past few years and they all seemed much darker than this one but then again I know there are lots of variations so maybe it is. Anyway my fellow beekeeper is ringing her local inspector and probably DEFRA...
  4. tkwinston4

    Spider identification please?

    Possibly but not convinced.
  5. tkwinston4

    Spider identification please?

    :hurray::smilielol5::smilielol5: well done Kaz!! You don't know what it is then? Apart from a spider!!
  6. tkwinston4

    I hate it when someone says

    23) how are you going to catch them? in a net?
  7. tkwinston4

    Spider identification please?

    Another photo she sent............. Another photo she sent.............
  8. tkwinston4

    Spider identification please?

    Does anyone know what type of spider this is? A fellow beekeeper found them in the top of her WBC and unfortunately she smashed :beatdeadhorse5: them up before taking any descent photos. :banghead: She said they were is a hard clay like cocoon/shell. This isn't something I have heard of...
  9. tkwinston4

    My queen flew away!!

    Did my first inspection after new queen emerged a few weeks back and I was really pleased to see three day old eggs, not many but at least she is finally laying. Anyway I hadn't seen the queen when I took out an empty frame from the end she was on there on her own. There were a couple of...
  10. tkwinston4

    Springwatch now!

    Bees and varroa on now. Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
  11. tkwinston4

    Basic Exam

    Ok thanks guys. I thought it would be a while :-)
  12. tkwinston4

    Basic Exam

    Does anyone know how long from taking the basic exam until I get my results?
  13. tkwinston4

    pls admin could we have . . .

    Where is it? I cant see it?
  14. tkwinston4

    CO-OP Free seeds

    Me too - yey!!!:cheers2:
  15. tkwinston4

    Leave with one queen or two?

    If you had a hive that had been artificially swarmed and also swarmed twice would you leave two queen cells hatching at the same time to sort themselves out or would you take one queen out? :confused:
  16. tkwinston4

    Hive under decking advice

    Blimey do they carry around their own hive? I wish the swarms I have collected did; it would save me a lot of money!
  17. tkwinston4

    No eggs, Two Queen cells, no Queen?

    Not heard this before; is it common practice?
  18. tkwinston4 Summer Forecast 2011 "Shades of 1976"

    So who remembers beekeeping in 1976? I was only 3 so I don't really remember much about it apart from lots of ladybirds. If this summer really does turn out to be a hot and dry one what does this mean for our bee's? Is it a good or bad thing? Discuss.............................:coolgleamA...
  19. tkwinston4

    Best site for swarm from parent hive?

    Thanks guys. Sensible really but always nice to get expert advice. Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
  20. tkwinston4

    Best site for swarm from parent hive?

    How close can I place a prime swarm from the parent hive? Even if I change the entrance direction am I going to end up with drifting or once they leave is that it they will never darken the parent hive door again? Probably a really stupid question but I am sure someone will tell me if it is :o