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  1. Cole lynch

    Safe-Way Beehive Wood Stain

    Presuming this is a pine hive and the stain is for weather protection not just colour. I would remove masking tape and paint the edges too. Water will seep between the boxes.
  2. Cole lynch

    CBPV - what to do

    Any update?
  3. Cole lynch

    Drones being evicted already??

    Mine have been evicting Drones for the last couple of days too
  4. Cole lynch

    Inspection Frequency through the Season

    I hope I’m speaking for other Beginners here... I know that most folk entering the art this year have lacked the usual mentoring and intro courses. For obvious reasons I’ve spent Probly 100s of hours on YouTube etc. The thing is, we have all been told to inspect our hives religiously on a...
  5. Cole lynch

    Robbing or just drones blocking entrance?

    Yep. They stop feeding them and literally bully them out and defend the entrance preventing them getting back in. Sod Matriarchy for a laugh!
  6. Cole lynch

    2nd week inspection- clueless beginner

    Why only 10 frames in your brood box? They usually hold 11 & a dummy board As far as the cells you e found. They sound like drone cells. Google pics of them n make sure. There’s tons of good videos on YouTube to learn from
  7. Cole lynch

    Robbing or just drones blocking entrance?

    Could be the Drones being evicted. This was happening at one of my hives today
  8. Cole lynch

    Is Hive Beetle in the UK

    No. Thank heavens I’m just trying to develope my IPM and as a newbie just wanted to ascertain what I’m dealing with Varroa Wax moth Tracheal mites DWV Nosema Wasps & Hornets Mice Have I missed anything?
  9. Cole lynch

    Is Hive Beetle in the UK

    Do we have to worry about Hive Beetles here in the UK. Are they present? Thanks
  10. Cole lynch

    Preserving drawn comb

    For fear of exposing my goes I realise the benefits of having frames with drawn comb i.e supers ready to go in spring and drawn brood frames for splits, collecting swarms and use in bait hives. So.... 1: Is using a spinning extractor the only way of preserving the drawn comb on...
  11. Cole lynch

    Why so many nucs for sale ?

    I’ve noticed lots of nucs for sale on Facebook. I’m a 1st year newbie. I was told that nucs have to be ordered in the winter prior to starting in spring. Is there usually a glut of nucs for sale at this time of year? I presume they are mostly from splits that folk can’t accommodate in their...
  12. Cole lynch

    AO Vape frequency

    Cool. Is 5 days apart recommended? Cheers
  13. Cole lynch

    AO Vape frequency

    Would appear so �� Diolch
  14. Cole lynch

    AO Vape frequency

    Thanks for responding. There have been an average of 2 or 3 per day that I’ve seen whilst around the hive. But I’ve also seen mites on workers during inspections. Yep I realise now that pre- brood treatment would’ve been the way to go. I’m afraid I’m winging it a bit. Covid prevented me...
  15. Cole lynch

    AO Vape frequency

    Hi Folks I installed my first colony on June 1st. It was a captured swarm and had been housed in a nuc for appx 7 days. There was no brood that I could see when I transferred them to my brand new National. On 9th June there was brood at all stages incl capped. On 19th June I noticed bees with...
  16. Cole lynch

    Covid stopping me starting?

    Do you mean a beginners kit as in hive suit smoker etc? If so, yes I think so. I got the Caddons beginners kit