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  1. Cole lynch

    Bee Equipment order delay

    Anybody else still waiting for Bee Equipment Orders apparently delayed because of wood quality After waiting since beginning of March for Supers, I’m now offered a refund. Patrick or anyone care to comment
  2. Cole lynch

    First inspection of the year.

    Come back Jax, come back! Most of us have blundered in our first year. don’t feel too scolded. just put some fondant on over the crown board hole. Wait until spring proper, as said “shorts n T-shirt weather is what you’re waiting for You’ll need 2 hives minimum to be sustainable. good luck
  3. Cole lynch

    Demaree Questions

    When carrying out swarm prevention using the Demaree method of; leaving the Queen in the lower BB and moving the brood into the upper BB position separated by 2 Supers, (with the intention of reuniting the split later in the year) What is the reason for the 2nd Queen excluder under the upper...
  4. Cole lynch

    Ethnicity of beekeepers

    I think we’ve ventured into the realms of Mad Honey now 🤪
  5. Cole lynch

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Sorry to hear about your dog 😔
  6. Cole lynch

    Ethnicity of beekeepers

    Sounds like your bait hives may be a bit too high off the ground Good luck🙏 Praise bee
  7. Cole lynch

    Ethnicity of beekeepers

    I’m more interested in how many single lady beeks out there 😂
  8. Cole lynch

    Ethnicity of beekeepers

    Was it the casting of the Rowse TV commercial that prompted this discussion I wonder. actually the first Beek I ever spoke to was a mixed race guy from an urban project South London.
  9. Cole lynch

    Backyard Beekeeping - The Story So Far

    Thank you Yes agreed. That’s something that I should have pointed out. Thanks for that. I now understand a little about drift and drones migrating. But at the time it was actually done on the advice of the Bee Inspector. mad I understand CBPV is becoming more prevalent across the UK and I...
  10. Cole lynch

    Backyard Beekeeping - The Story So Far

    Like a lot of people out there, I was one of those that aspired for years to keep bees. I’d visited a couple of apiaries and sat wistfully amongst the returning foragers and fantasised that one day I’d get my own hives. However living in a terraced house with a small garden on a small island on...
  11. Cole lynch

    Board reading

  12. Cole lynch

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    I’ve seen the obvious Ivy. But also Dandelions & Broom Is that normal?
  13. Cole lynch

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Do honey bees forage on this? I believe it’s called Scottish Broom?
  14. Cole lynch

    Drones Being Evicted Again

    Saw similar as a result of thymol based treatments and also CBPV Hopefully it’s just your workers balancing the population
  15. Cole lynch

    Selecting Best Queen Cells

    Best Emergency Cells When adding a frame of BIAS & eggs to a Queen-less colony, For a novice the emergency Queen cells may appear to be placed randomly on the frame. Choosing one cell to remain when reducing them, can be a bit of a lottery. Presumably you want a cell that was fed royal jelly...
  16. Cole lynch

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    I just think the term “lost” is misleading. They weren’t “lost”. They’ve been developed for profit by unscrupulous profiteers and greedy Councils etc. It makes my blood boil to ignore who gained what, when a meadow or hedgerow is “lost” Sorry for rant. Thanks for your efforts at restoration 👍🏼🌱
  17. Cole lynch

    First time hearing queens piping

    Why leave all the QCs in your split? Is it an experiment ?
  18. Cole lynch

    Queen marking

    Happy Anniversarbee 🥳⚪️🟡🔴🟢🔵
  19. Cole lynch

    Queen Emergence Timing

    Thank you 🤞🏼 👑 🐝
  20. Cole lynch

    Queen Emergence Timing

    Yes I’m presuming I missed them It’s my first proper season and attempt at increase