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  1. Monsieur Abeille

    Oil seed rape?????

    Cold start has meant some of the plants have only 30% of their flowers so far. Hopefully this means a good full season. Now we have the sun, UNLEASH THE BEES OF WAR!!!!!!!!
  2. Monsieur Abeille

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    One of my hives is a poly, and true to form it was slower off the marks than the wooden ones. Two weeks ago, before the cold spell, there was little brood and I held off adding a super. Today, first look since then, and they have really kicked on with the brood box overflowing, so super now...
  3. Monsieur Abeille

    Budget hive vs "normal" hive

    Had a Big T budget hive for seven years or so, now only used as bait hive as I've moved to 14x12, but still works fine
  4. Monsieur Abeille

    Winter losses 2015/16

  5. Monsieur Abeille

    Oil seed rape?????

    Loads here, most in full bloom but some still to arrive. Weather to bloomin cold for the bees to spend much time on it though
  6. Monsieur Abeille

    Winter losses 2015/16

    Yes, by intention, but yours is certainly another valid way at looking at it
  7. Monsieur Abeille

    Winter losses 2015/16

    In this weather?!
  8. Monsieur Abeille

    Winter losses 2015/16

    Those of you that don't mind sharing, it would be interesting to have an overview of what losses we experienced last winter. Divided very simplistically into those with more or less than 5 hives. Drone laying queens count as a loss. I've done these the past five years, results here 2014/15...
  9. Monsieur Abeille

    Building bait box(es)

    Interesting - I've always used a standard national box but may move to nucs
  10. Monsieur Abeille

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Placed the two bait hives put together yesterday. Peeked under crown board of a colony I'd given a super to (brood a plenty and nearby OSR) and glad to see it was being filled.
  11. Monsieur Abeille

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Too chilly to do a needed inspection, but prepared two bait hives (just got to find a place to put them)
  12. Monsieur Abeille

    Bait hive stand

    For several years I kept a bait hive in my garden on top of what was a bird table (see picture) - my understanding being that they are more likely to inhabit something well off the ground. That table finally gave up the ghost and I'm now looking for an inexpensive alternative. Sadly my DIY...
  13. Monsieur Abeille

    Face book groups

    Think I'm following/a friend/whatever the terminology is of Vita, but that was only because there was a free draw a year or two back, and I've not bothered to un-follow/friend/etc
  14. Monsieur Abeille

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Shook out DLQ colony and received first sting of the year (can't blame them really!)
  15. Monsieur Abeille


    Thanks for all the replies
  16. Monsieur Abeille


    Thank you very much for the reply - "colonies and their combs"? - presumably the combs are OK to be reused after any shakeout?
  17. Monsieur Abeille


    One colony appears to have a DLQ. Only apparent brood is drone, but it is on both sides of two frames , in a fair grouping (see attached), which leads me to surmise a DLQ rather than laying workers (is that a fair assumption?). I'm rubbish at spotting the queen, and my plan is to do nothing...
  18. Monsieur Abeille

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Took advantage of the fine weather to do first inspection of the year. 2 hives laying well and gathering in plenty of pollen and stores. My third sadly now appears to have a DLQ. Mouse guards off to relief of those queuing outside to get in
  19. Monsieur Abeille

    Why is OSR so important?

    I'm a big fan - gives me 60-70% of my crop, and tastes good as well
  20. Monsieur Abeille


    Double thickness nitrile for me, bees intent on self sacrifice can get through a single layer, although 95% of the time the extra layer is unnecessary.