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  1. bontbee

    Clustering -- exactly how?

    I always thought that this was how it worked, but I have since been told that the older bees form a "mantle" around the cluster. So, if they drop off and die, it's not as great a loss to the future of the colony as it would be if they lost the newbees. Any advance??
  2. bontbee

    Sense of smell causally linked to mite resistance

    Ron Hoskins, Swindon Honeybee Conservation Group, suggests that the bees smell the wound inflicted by feeding varroa, rather than the varroa themselves.
  3. bontbee

    Asian hornets in the UK. A chance of stopping them?

    Ahhh, that's it! Thanks, Swarm. I think my brain must be carrion.....except there's nowt to scavenge in there!
  4. bontbee

    Asian hornets in the UK. A chance of stopping them?

    Does anyone know if anything predates dead hornet nests? (or do I mean preys on? Predates always sounds a bit previous...)
  5. bontbee

    Winter Projects ! ?

    My first winter project is always to forget the bees for a little while...
  6. bontbee

    Plant identification

    This arrived in my garden as a volunteer, too. It's a bit of a survivor - chopped it back to ground level last year and it's come back even stronger and taller - and with more flowers. I've never seen anything, not bird nor bee nor owt else on it, though!
  7. bontbee


    Have you been in touch with the BFA? (Bee Farmers Association)
  8. bontbee

    Filling honey jars

    I say! :)
  9. bontbee

    Mouse Guards-when to put on or not bother?

    Once you've had a mouse overwinter in a hive, you'll know why they are used! I prefer the "portcullis" type, rather than the ones with round holes. I don't have many deep entrances any more, but have amended the remaining few entrance blocks by banging nails - well, gimp pins to be precise, -...
  10. bontbee

    Question for the Honey Judges please

    IMHO a good piece of cut comb, cleanly cut, evenly built and drained properly is a thing of beauty, and best appreciated from "all sides". I don't think I'd trust the clear, "crystal" containers not to leak...though, of course, there shouldn't be any liquid honey to leak! Honey bee suite...
  11. bontbee

    Price of honey bees :(

    Bees here are going mad for ivy, even in the rain... I know Hartley very well. (Well, at least I did many years ago, when I were a lad).
  12. bontbee

    Food for thought

    Do many vegans eat almonds/drink almond milk?
  13. bontbee

    Super/Hive Carrier

    something like this? Not pretty, but free! I think the slots are for a hive strap to pass through, but I've never used them...
  14. bontbee

    bringing on a queen

  15. bontbee

    Mask type oa

    Don't be cheap - is damage to your lungs worth it? I use my mask for OAV and when using MAQS. Having tried both without, and having read all the Safety Data Sheets, I realised what I was risking....
  16. bontbee

    Sugar Prices

    ...'til the rats gnaw their way in!
  17. bontbee

    Wasps on wet super

    There is a possibility that once the wasps have finished their free gift, they might start looking to the next nearest supply.....:eek:!!
  18. bontbee

    Bl##dy Hornets.

    Buzzard numbers here seem to have declined - I blame it on the red kites, oh, and the requirement for farmers to disposed of fallen stock, rather than leave it for the carrion eaters.... Indeed. Not soo long ago, you'd see a kestrel hovering over a motorway "verge" every mile or so. Not now...
  19. bontbee

    ID, please? Not much left to go on, though...

    Thank you, Hivemaker, that looks spot on. I looked at loads of pics of moths, but their eyes looked too small. I can see now that I didn't allow for all the fur that surrounds the eyes. Now that the bees have removed the fur, the eyes are so much more prominent! The cornish honey pic...
  20. bontbee

    ID, please? Not much left to go on, though...

    Thanks, E. I thought that, too, but having goggled a few pics, I don't think the eyes are right for one of them. My very first thought was one of the hawk moths, with all the scales nibbled off, but the eyes are wrong for that, too. The eyes look very dipteran to me, but I couldn't find any...