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  1. bontbee

    Quintrex Cage

    May I ask if you have the same success rate for the converse, introducing buckie/carniogoitalian/cockerpoo swarms to Amms??? ta
  2. bontbee

    Painting Poly Hives

    I used a mini roller to paint my poly nucs. Much quicker than a brush and gave an even finish. (I did need a small brush to get around some of the mouldings). The paint is as good as new, apart from where I dig the boxes with my hive tool as I'm so clumsy and awkward.
  3. bontbee

    Planning Permission advice

    Nope, fraid not. (edit re obtaining permission via occupation of a caravan/shed etc) Have a chat with a local planning consultant. They should be familiar with the local authority planning policies, how best to interpret them and will know how to approach the authority. They'll also let you...
  4. bontbee

    How much snow did you get?

    Not even a flake since the thread started...
  5. bontbee

    Big cats - and honeybees???

    Goodo! Apart from taking moisture/salts from the carcase, I wonder where the nest is located, and what "normal" forage is available . Perhaps there is a fertile oasis with a resident beekeeper, just out of shot...! Any idea of the species???
  6. bontbee

    Big cats - and honeybees???

    Wasn't the lion the strong? Sorry Millet. I posted the link while the programme was being aired, so the link now takes you whatever is being shown at the time. My apologies. Try this link, at about 12 mins
  7. bontbee

    Big cats - and honeybees???

    Did anyone else think that the insects buzzing around the carcase were honeybees? at about 20.15 If they were bees, it's the most bizarre forage......though I guess, as the old saying goes, beggars can't bee choosers. Fab programmes, even if there...
  8. bontbee

    Tips or advice

    :iagree: - most wholeheartedly!
  9. bontbee

    More ways to tax motorists

    Sorry, I disagree. Having been a horse rider, cyclist, motorcyclist and pedestrian over the years, when I'm in my nice, safe, solid airbagged and crumple zoned car, I still keep in mind using the road from those perspectives - and drive accordingly. But perhaps it's because I'm a wishy washy...
  10. bontbee

    Happy new Year

    Happy healthy and honeyed new year to all
  11. bontbee

    Spring build-up....or not

    Hi Jeff My bees aren't far from you and you, too, have plenty of willow nearby. As long as the weather is willing, the bees will get sufficient pollen early in the season from the willow . I have only fed pollen sub once - I didn't find any difference... I don't anticipate any spring...
  12. bontbee

    Oxalic Acid Vapourising - Time of Day

    That's the temperature specified on the instructions provided with a Varrox vapouriser, if that's any help... (para. 3.1)
  13. bontbee

    Foundationless - practical tips for starting

    To get foundationless frames I use starter strips - just a cm or less. I alternate them with either foundation or comb. Where foundation is used, they draw the strips - and even start to fill them - before they touch the foundation! I have had no problem handling deep national frames...
  14. bontbee

    Services to beekeeping

    yes, he did - hence the why "suppose"
  15. bontbee

    Fumigation of oxalic acid does not work properly

    The Varrox instructions specify not treating below 4C... I assumed that it's because the cluster is too "tight" at that temp, and the vapour won't penetrate very effectively - ???
  16. bontbee

    More ways to tax motorists

    Are you, really? :winner1st:
  17. bontbee

    Services to beekeeping

    Why "suppose"?
  18. bontbee

    Best Value bee suit?

    27 year old Sherriff smock still going strong, 1 re-veil later. But I don't need to use it much.....!
  19. bontbee

    winter poly prep

    You shouldn't have a problem overwintering a well provisioned colony with a low varroa load in a poly nuc. It's possible to overwinter mini nucs....honest.
  20. bontbee

    Out apiary (that’s an out out apiary!)

    My furtherest is a forty mile round trip, but I have two other apiaries on the way :D