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  1. For want of a better word

    Give your bees water.

    NO Place a container of water away to one side of the apiary. If in flight path bees will defecate in it as they fly out of the hive.... and if they have NOSEMA it will spread as fast as the Chinese Pox... and I do not see any way that honeybees could possibly keep 2 meters apart!! Chons da
  2. For want of a better word

    Late Queen rearing

    :iagree: We can open mate our native Cornish Amm as late as up to the first week in October... mated queens would have to be put into a fully stocked and well fed nuc to over winter. Weather dependent of course. Chons da
  3. For want of a better word

    New Beekeeper - Flow Hive

    I did an experiment last season as I had managed to get a few flow hive frames for free. Cobled together a Lang super to fit on a National and put the flow frames in it. To make up the space fitted in some Lang supers with wax foundation.... bees totally ignored the plastic "Flow Hive frames and...
  4. For want of a better word

    New Beekeeper - Flow Hive

    Just put Langstroths waxed up frames in! Put the flow frames in a cupboard... and forget about them until you have some beekeeping experience Chons da
  5. For want of a better word

    DLW in Apidea... use or bin?

    I usually run Keiler mating nucs, not had a problem like this with DLW. Seems a shame to loose drawn frames.. only some have the drone in them. I will take the apidea back to the apiary where the bees originally came from and shake them out as suggested... then load up with young precocious...
  6. For want of a better word

    Honey selling

    :winner1st::iagree::iagree::iagree: The best honey in the world is made by our Cornish Amm in the GreatgreygreenslimeyTamarrivervalleyallsetaboutwithcovidiotsavoidingLondonintheirsecondhomes!!! IMOHO!!:iagree: Yeghes da
  7. For want of a better word

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Our megga split of a colony too difficult to move.... made up 10 three frame double BS nucs and left original queen in a Paynes nuc dummied down to three frames... on site... Our splits open mated in the hidden Cornish valley has worked, now on inspection today we have 20 more colonies of...
  8. For want of a better word

    DLW in Apidea... use or bin?

    Have a dozen Swine Bines ( Chinese Apidea ) that have gone drone laying worker... swallows probably had the virgin queens for breakfast. Question is has anyone tried introducing unmated queens to apidea mating nucs that are full of bees... but are beginning to draw up drone cells and a laying...
  9. For want of a better word

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Finally managed to move the 20 colonies earmarked for our new West Cornwall site. All happily settled in and supers already filling. Will be interesting to see how much honey these Amm colonies will pull in... brambles all in full bloom down there. Just for honey site as apparently the area is...
  10. For want of a better word

    Commercial jzbz frame

    I think you will need to make your own.....................
  11. For want of a better word

    Honey label supplier's

    Local honey for local people!! Keep the faith!! Chons da
  12. For want of a better word

    Honey label supplier's

    Salutatory tale is of a beekeeper buying in honey from Croatia and selling it as his own... was dibbed in by a jealous neighboring beekeeper to TS who tested the pollen in the honey and found Black Acacia... not at all common in Surrey. Package your own ... or join the Honey Packers Association...
  13. For want of a better word

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    First flush of fireweed Hope our errant little Finish Pixie, Finnie is having a good time!!! Chons da
  14. For want of a better word

    Honey selling

    Set aside something to keep HM revenue happy... as you seem to have cracked the code for making £££millions out of keeping bees...
  15. For want of a better word

    Bee Equipment Ltd Kent

    National Supers Cornish Black Native Bees are filling them faster than we can spin the gorgeous golden Cornish honey off !!! Chons da
  16. For want of a better word

    Bee Equipment Ltd Kent

    Apparently our order is stuck in China due to the Pox Pandemic! Oh well roll on the Maisies sale!!
  17. For want of a better word

    Bee Equipment Ltd Kent

    Has anyone else had problems in contacting this Bee Equipment Supplier in Kent or have had any orders arrive lately..... ???? Chons da
  18. For want of a better word

    June gap

    And in Kernow we get so much that the second home owners are investing in yachts!!
  19. For want of a better word

    Lemongrass oil

    C.citratus... bee attractant C.winterii.... bee repellent Both smell the same to us! Chons da
  20. For want of a better word

    When to replace a Queen

    Sadly true.... many suppliers are selling "Buckfast bees" Good bees produced by crossing lines of hybrid bees should come with a breeders certificate stating the pedigree line. Had a call yesterday evening from a would be beekeeper who wanted a nuc or a free swarm of "Buckfasts" if I had...