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  1. C

    old brood frames

    I'm thinking of cleaning up about 20 mouldy frames and try to collect wax. I have searched the forum and many comments say dont bother, the wax you get isn't worth the bother. Have I got this right? Should I just throw the mouldy wax away and recycle the frame only. Cliff
  2. C

    Any nectar given in peas and green bean flowers?

    Firefly I have been asked to move them early spring. I'm asking now whether its worthwhile for future planning. Peas and beans are definitely not in flower at the moment!
  3. C

    Any nectar given in peas and green bean flowers?

    A local farmer, about 6 miles away, has asked if I'm interested in moving some hives to his fields when the peas and beans are about to flower. It is a huge plantation. I cant find any information about nectar but I know honey bees are a good pollinator for the crop. Would it be worth moving...
  4. C

    Wasp Attack!!! How do I now feed the bees?

    Flippin ek! Wasps found them already! Only one wasp in the pic, the rest are bees! This time the bees are keeping them out. I think I will reduce some more. Cliff
  5. C

    Wasp Attack!!! How do I now feed the bees?

    2 weeks ago, I added some Apiguard. I thought the colony was quite strong then. Today, I went to remove the trays and found the hive under attack from wasps. I put a ply board in front of the hive entrance and with in minutes there were about 50 wasps hovering trying to get in. I...
  6. C

    Can anyone recommend where to buy aluminium sheet?

    Thanks, I have ordered the printer plates. Thanks for the tip re heating the aluminium. Going back to my school days we used soap as a temperature guide. Rub some soap on the aluminium, when it turns black, its annealed. Cliff
  7. C

    Can anyone recommend where to buy aluminium sheet?

    Yes, its just roof material. Thanks Cliff
  8. C

    Can anyone recommend where to buy aluminium sheet?

    I have Googled aluminium sheet and there are a vast amount of companies to choose from. Anyone highly recommend a good company they use? Looking for something like 2500*1200*.7 Cliff
  9. C

    Bees loving Passion Flower!

    4 to 8 bees on the flowers going frantic to collect! Lovely sight just outside our front door. Cliff
  10. C

    Un capping mess

    Yes, I saw on youtube someone melting the cappings with a heat gun. I wondered if the heat would spoil the honey.
  11. C

    Un capping mess

    I have just searched looking for what to do with the un capping mess! Can you feed back to bees on top of the crown board? What do most people do with the cappings on the tray? Thanks Cliff
  12. C

    mouldy frames and wax moth damage

    Is it worth re using these frames? They were taken from my bait hives, many of the frames have green mould and some frames have wax moth damage. If the bees will clean them, I will freeze them overnight or should I melt them down and start again with foundation? Thanks Cliff
  13. C

    What to do with unsealed supers?

    I have a couple of supers that are heavy but non of the stores are capped. Can I extract the honey or should I leave them on longer? Cliff
  14. C

    Free wild flower seeds to help the bees

    I bought some packets from the electronic bay, the packs were sold as seeds for wild life and bees. I planted them in the garden between the bushes and shrubs. Yes, they grew well, they were nettles and thistles!
  15. C

    how close can you put 2 hives next to each other?

    Some of my hives are sitting on pallets. I can get 2 national hives with a gap of around 1foot / 300mm between them. I dont want to turn them to opposite directions because of the location. Will this work or is it too close?
  16. C

    Is it easy to tell the difference between stored and capped sugar syrup and honey?

    I have an overwintered super and is full and capped. I did feed them 2 lots of 5L syrup since last Sept. Should I extract it or is it easy to taste the syrup?
  17. C

    How much drone brood is normal?

    Good question! I went through my hives today to find frame 1 full of capped honey. Frame 2 was all drone brood! This sent shivers down my back. The rest of the frames were normal brood. Must be a well organised queen. I was tempted to take the frame away but I thought the boys will be...
  18. C

    Queenless hive I have a choice of action, whats best.

    No. It was taken end of last year. I posted it here. I fed some syrup to a hive out of site and was puzzled why the neighbouring hives got excited and come out like this. The hive with the bees I had not touched, they just sensed I was feeding a near by hive. Cliff
  19. C

    Queenless hive I have a choice of action, whats best.

    Yes, I have Ted Hoopers book. I will artificial swarm when the bees start building q cells. I'm avoiding splitting hives as I am reluctant to thin the bees out. I am going to try and get honey this year! Thanks Cliff
  20. C

    Queenless hive I have a choice of action, whats best.

    The original question was the best way to save the colony? I'm relying on your opinion whether its too soon to add a test frame and let the bees get on with it. Unite the nuc or buy in a queen?? Novice cliff!!!